ABA Terminology
Verbal Behavior

Any consequence of a behavior that makes that action MORE likely to occur again

What is reinforcement?


This is providing assistance or cues to encourage the use of a specific skill

What is prompting?


ABA stands for ______?

What is Applied Behavior Analysis?


A verbal behavior that a student sees cookies, and says "Cookie". Afterward, they receive the cookie.

What is a mand?


RBTs avoid having more than one type of relationship with clients, supervisors, or coworkers (such as a friend or family). This is called _______.

What are multiple relationships?


An addition of a stimuli that reinforces a response

What is positive reinforcement?


A type of prompting where a staff member physically guides a client to complete a task, such as opening a bag of chips.

What is physical prompting?


_____ is a scientific approach that focuses on how behavior changes and is affected by the environment.

What is Applied Behavior Analysis?


You ask a client "What is your favorite color?" and they respond, "My favorite color is blue."

What is an intraverbal?


RBTs do not engage in this type of relationship with current clients or stakeholders until at least two years from the date the professional relationship has ended.

What is a romantic or sexual relationship?


A removal of a stimuli that reinforces a response

What is negative reinforcement?


A type of prompting where a staff member shows how a task is done to a client, such as how to wash hands.

What is modeling?


A skill is broken down into a sequence of small steps to make a ________

What is a task analysis?

A child sees a dog and says "Dog"

What is a tact?


RBTs conduct themselves in a _______   ________ during all work activities (e.g., delivering services, receiving training or supervision). They take action to improve their performance following feedback from supervisors  

What is professional manner?


Reinforcement that is not dependent on a particular response from the client

Non-contingent reinforcement


A type of prompt that uses picture guides, words, or symbols. An example can be a picture guide on how to complete the task, such as a written checklist for a morning routine.

What is visual/text/picture prompt?


A removal of a stimuli that makes a behavior LESS likely to occur

What is negative punishment?


You ask a client "What is your favorite color?" and they respond, "What is your favorite color?"

What is an echoic?


RBTs cannot accept or give gifts over this amount, and only in occasional expression of gratitude and does not result in financial benefit to the recipient.

What is $10?


An intervention that reinforces appropriate behavior and withholds reinforcement for inappropriate behavior

What is differential reinforcement?


Prompting in this order: gesture, partial verbal prompt, full verbal prompt, partial physical prompt, full physical prompt

What is least to most prompt hierarchy?


A method of teaching where there is a clear beginning and end to each presentation, and each example has these three components: the presentation, response, and consequence  

What is Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)?


A staff member tells the child "Pick up your toys" and the child picks up their toys.

What is listener response?


Clients should never be restrained punitively or for convenience, but only in the case of ________ for the client/staff.

What is safety?