RBT Standards & Ethics
Functional Communication
Play, Social, and Group Skills
Independent Living Skills
Safety Skills and Self-Management

RBT Ethics: RBTs direct any questions or concerns that they or others (e.g., caregivers, coworkers) have about their services to _____

What is the BCBA?


When S.Bak is engaging in vocal protest, how should the therapist respond to encourage her to calmly express her wants and needs?

What is say calm body and calm voice and then prompt her to mand for what she wants/needs? 


Give examples for activities as a group for indoor recess 


What is one example of an independent living skill that D. Ben is currently working on?


If a client bites, how should the therapist respond?

What is stabilize the back of the head?


RBT Handbook: Monthly RBT supervision must be ___% of hours worked with ___ face to face contacts and ____ direct client contact.

What is 5%, 2 and 1?


If C.Wil uses one word to mand for something, what should the therapist do?

What is prompt for more words? 


What are some play, social, and group skills for S. Bak? Give a example on how you ran this goal during session 


Give an example of an incidental teaching opportunity when heating up food in the microwave.


If a client is standing/swinging, the therapist should be ___

What is standing when client is standing and sitting when client is sitting?


RBT Ethics: RBTs are to check their BACB accounts on a _____ basis and notify supervisors within ___ hours of any major status changes 

What is monthly and 24 hours?


Give an example of when a client has used an adjective to request for something


What are some play, social, and group skills for B.Cle? Give a example on how you ran this goal during session 


When using a backward chaining procedure for shoelace tying, what step is taught first?

What is the last step?


If a client pulls hair, what should the therapist  do?

What is stabilize the client's hand against therapist's skill then do finger weave motion to get the hair out?


RBT Ethics: Because the exchange of gifts can lead to conflicts of interest and multiple relationships, RBTs do not give gifts to or accept gifts from clients, families, or supervisors with a monetary value of more than $_____

What is $10?


Give an example on how to prompt A.Gut to use the word “Does” when requesting for information


What are some play, social, and group skills for A. Gut ? Give a example on how you ran this goal during session 


What is an example of an independent living skill where a task analysis may be used?


What known behavior do our clients present that requires a therapist to wear proper shoes to appropriately respond?

What is elopement, aggression to others and environment? 

RBT Handbook: Once a certified RBT, a renewal competency assessment must be completed ____

What is annually? 


Give an example of a common slang/figurative statement to teach the meaning to A. Pen and D. Ben (one that D.Ben has not already had)


If an RBT has group skills to run during story time, how should he/she communicate to the RBT running the story time that they need these goals integrated into the story?


What is an independent living skill that L. Smi could use a task analysis for?


What are 2 examples that would require a code red to be called?