Skill Increase
Reinforcement and Punishment
Behavior Reduction

An RBT may be asked to collect ABC data during a session. ABC stands for _______

A. Attention, Behavioral, Control

B. Attending, Behavior, Consequence

C. Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence

D. Antecedent, Behavioral, Control

C. Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence


Stacy, a BCBA, tells Julia, an RBT, that since she has such a good instructional control with her learner, she will now have others work with the learner for her the "following directions" program. 

What is Stacy trying to accomplish?

A. Generalization across settings

B. Generalization across instructors

C. Discrimination Training

D. Shaping of a behavior 

B. Generalization across instructors


Brian has a headache after a long day of working with a learn with tantrum behavior. He goes home and remembers that the last time he had a headache he took ibuprofen and it went away quickly. He decides to take an ibuprofen and lays down. After 30 minutes his head feels better and he continues his day. 

Brian taking ibuprofen again after it relieved his head pain in the past is an example of _______ .

A. Positive Reinforcement

B. Negative Reinforcement

C. Positive Punishment

D. Negative Punishment 

E. This is not an example of reinforcement or punishment

B. Negative Reinforcement

You are working with a BCBA who tells you that she wants you to prompt your learner to use a break card whenever he says, "don't bite" because right after he says this phrase he always engages in biting behavior

The learner saying, "don't bite" is an example on a____________ .

A. Aggressive behavior

B. Precursor behavior

C. Alternative behavior

D. Consequent behavior

B. Precursor behavior

A BCBA has implemented a procedure in which Julia will implement a mastered program with her learner 3x a week for 3 weeks, then 2x a week for three weeks, then 1x a week for 3 weeks. 

Which procedure was implemented?

A. Generalization

B. Response Cost

C. Positional Prompt

D. Maintenance

D. Maintenance


There are ____ functions of behavior including...

A. 4; Escape, Automatic, Attention, Tangible

B. 4; Automatic, Escape, Control, Attention 

C. 5; Escape, Automatic, Attention, Tangible, Control

D. 5; Attention, Tangible, Edible, Escape, Attention

A. 4; Escape, Automatic, Attention, Tangible


Twaleena sat on the floor with her learner. The learner had free access to play with any materials on the toy shelf. He pulled out a bag of toy animals and started to play. While playing, Twaleena asked him the sound each animal makes and used verbal prompts when needed. She also asked him the color of each animal in the same fashion. While playing they also counted how many animals there are in the set.

This is an example of____________.

A. Naturalistic Teaching

B. Discrete Trial Training

C. Shaping 

D. Stimulus control transfer

A. Naturalistic Teaching


John was working with a learner who engages in property destruction. His learner threw a toy car from the shelf at his his head and John took the car away for the rest of the day. The learner played with other toys when he has breaks

John taking the car away is an example of _________ .

A. Positive Punishment

B. Negative Punishment

C. Positive Reinforcement

D. Negative Reinforcement

E. This is not an example of reinforcement or punishment

E. This is not an example of reinforcement or punishment


Julia is working on a case with a 4 year old boy named John. John has tantrum behavior and every time he tantrums his mom comes in the room, picks him up, and carries him until he stops engaging in this behavior. Julia believes that the attention from John's mom is what is maintaining his behavior.

What should she do?

A. Kindly let the mom know that she believes she is accidentally reinforcing John's tantrums

B. Take John into his yard when he tantrums so that his mom won't hear him crying

C. Explain the behavior plan to his mom and tell her why it is ineffective if she intervenes

D. Let your supervisor know that this is happening and let her handle the situation

D. Let your supervisor know that this is happening and let her handle the situation


John takes data every time his learner engages in nail biting behavior. He marks a tally on a sheet of paper every time the learner bites his nails and starts a timer. At the end of the timer, he marks the time that the learner was biting their nails.

Which type of data was collected?

A. Frequency only

B. Duration only

C. Frequency and Duration

D. None of the above

C. Frequency and Duration


True or False

An RBT can act as the therapist in a functional analysis by implementing the protocol for each function of behavior assessed

A. True

B. False

A. True

An RBT cannot write a functional analysis, but can implement the protocol as the therapist under the supervision of a BCBA


Which term best describes this situation?

Brian is working with Twaleena on identifying pictures of different animals. He shows her a picture of a cat and says, "what is this? Cat". Twaleena repeats, "Cat". Over several sessions Brian using prompt fading by shortening the word "cat" to "Ca", then "C". He continues to fade until Twaleena can independently say "cat" when presented with a picture of a cat and asked, "what is this?"

A. Stimulus Control Transfer 

B. Reinforcement Fading

C. Token Economy

D. Forward Chaining

A. Stimulus Control Transfer


Twaleena's BCBA told her to deliver reinforcement for all discrete trials on an VR2 schedule. This means...

A. Twaleena should deliver reinforcement about every 2 correct trials

B. Twaleena should deliver reinforcement for every correct trial

C. Twaleena should deliver reinforcement exactly every 2 correct trials

D. Twaleena should deliver reinforcement about  every 2 trials, whether or not the learner responded correctly 

A. Twaleena should deliver reinforcement about every 2 correct trials


Khadija engages in nail biting behavior. Your supervisor implements a procedure to eliminate this response. Every time Khadija bites her nails she tells you to redirect her hands into her pockets.

Which procedure did she use?

A. Differential Reinforcement of Other behavior (DRO)

B. Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior (DRI)

C. Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates of Behavior (DRL)

D. Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior (DRA)

B. Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior (DRI)


Twaleena has been working with a family for 3 years and just graduated from her undergraduate degree. The family bakes her cookies and gives her a $10 Dunkin Donuts gift card. Twaleena knows that her ethics code discusses giving gifts. What should she do?

A. Don't accept the gift, RBTs cannot accept gifts above $5

B. Accept the gift, but then give the BCBA the gift card and cookies

C. Accepting the homemade gift of cookies is okay to maintain a healthy relationship with the family, but it is unethical to accept a monetary gift

D. Accept both, RBTs can accept gifts up to $10

D. Accept both, RBTs can accept gifts up to $10


The following definition describes

A __________ involves providing the client with a choice between two stimuli, observing the client's choice making and engagement with the selected stimulus, and alternating choice options among the stimuli

A. Paired Choice Reinforcer Assessment

B. Paired Choice Preference Assessment

C. Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement Preference Assessment

D. Multiple Stimulus With Replacement Reinforcer Assessment

B. Paired Choice Preference Assessment


Which prompt method is the Twaleena utilizing?

Khadija is learning to wash her hands. Twaleena first gives her the instruction, "wash your hands", and waits to see what she does. Khadija remains standing in front of the sink without moving so Twaleena gestures to the handle of the sink with her hand. Khadija still remains standing in the same spot so Twaleena uses hand over hand to assist her. 

A. Most-to-least prompting

B. Graduated Guidance

C. Least-to-most prompting

D. Prompt Fading

C. Least-to-most prompting


True or False

It is easier to put a behavior on extinction that was on a continuous reinforcement schedule, rather than a behavior that was reinforced intermittently.

A. True

B. False

C. Somehow neither

A. True


What is wrong in this situation?

Brian was told to use a DRA procedure with his learner Julia for her hair pulling behavior. Every time Julia goes two minutes without pulling her hair Brian gives Julia a small piece of chocolate. 

A. Nothing, Brian implemented this correctly

B. DRA is not an appropriate intervention for hair pulling

C. Brian is actually implementing a DRO in the situation described

D. Brian is actually implementing a DRL procedure

C. Brian is actually implementing a DRO in the situation described


The 7 dimensions of ABA as defined by Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968) include all of the following except...

A. Generality 

B. Effective

C. Technological

D. Operational

E. Conceptually Systematic 

D. Operational


Which step, if any, was performed incorrectly by the therapist?

When implementing an MSWO (multiple stimulus without replacement) preference assessment, the therapist starts by placing all 7 items on the table. She tells organizes them in the manner specified by her BCBA and tells the learner to "pick one". The learner selects a bouncy ball and the therapist allows the learner to play with it for 30 seconds before taking it and removing it from the arrangement. She leaves the remaining stimuli where they are on the table and tells her learner, "pick one" before continuing with all 7 items. She records data appropriately.

A. The therapist should have placed the item back on the table after the 30s passed

B. The therapist did not do anything wrong

C. The therapist should have given the learner at least 1 minute to use each item selected

D. The therapist should have rearranged the items after each selection the learner makes

D. The therapist should have rearranged the items after each selection the learner makes


After conducting a baseline, Sam decided that she would use a backwards chaining procedure to teach a learner how to make a sandwich because he could not complete any steps with independence. She told his therapist Khadija how to run this program. Khadija prompted her learner through all steps using hand over hand prompting, except for the last step which is "sitting and eating the sandwich at the table" which she used least-to-most prompting for. The learner performed this step with a gestural prompt and Khadija scored the last step only. 

A. Khadija should have scored all steps

B. Khadija should have also used hand over hand for the last step of eating the sandwich

C. Khadija ran this program correctly

D. Khadija should have used a prompt delay before each step before using hand over hand

C. Khadija ran this program correctly


What, if anything, is wrong in the example below?

John came home and found that his dog had a BM in the middle of the kitchen. The dog was on the couch in the living room asleep when he entered, but got up excitedly. knowing dinner was coming soon! John had been at work all day and his patience had ended hours ago. Instead of feeding his dog dinner right away, because he didn't want to reinforce the dog's behavior, he first sprayed the dog with water and said, "bad boy, bathroom is outside only!".

A. This is an effective punishment procedure as John used behavior specific feedback paired with a positive punisher

B. John shouldn't have said anything while spraying the dog with water 

C. This is not an effective punishment procedure as too much time has passed between the dog using the bathroom and the delivery of the punishment

D. John should have waited longer to feed the dog dinner if he wanted this punishment procedure to be effective 

C. This is not an effective punishment procedure as too much time has passed between the dog using the bathroom and the delivery of the punishment


Twaleena is implementing an extinction procedure with her learner. Her learner has attention seeking behavior in which she screams during class to gain attention from teachers and aides. Every time the learner screams, Twaleena says, "Classroom is quiet, no screaming!"

What is wrong with this situation? (Select the best answer)

A. The procedure described is not extinction 

B. The procedure described is not extinction and is actually positive punishment

C. The procedure described is actually negative punishment

D. The procedure described is a DRO

A. The procedure described is not extinction


Every day a teacher collects math worksheets from her students and keeps track of how many multiplication problems they solve correctly and incorrectly.

The math worksheet is a __________ .

A. Contingency contract

B. Permanent product

C. Permanent recording

D. Contingency product

B. Permanent product