Emergency Response & Safety
Roles & Responsibilities
Behavior Management
Bible Story Trivia

Where are the bandaids?

In the first aid kit on the kitchen counter and in the first aid kit in the cubbies in the nursery


At the 9am and 11am services, when does your shift begin?

It begins with VIP Huddle at 8:30 and 10:30.


Two kids are talking during the lesson. What do you, as the assistant, do?

Use proximity: Move closer to the two talking kids.


Who are the RC Kidz Coordinators?

Molly & Nate Hoyle, Benjamin & Caitlin Samminga, Kayla Bouffard, and Elaina Austin


Between Elisha and Elijah, who chooses who to be their apprentice?

Elija chooses Elisha to be his apprentice.


What do you need to do if a student gets injured?

First, provide first aid. Second, let the parent know. Thirdly, fill out an incident report form. Lastly, notify the kidz church director (Kim).

The service has ended. What do you do now?

Dismiss kids to parents that have arrived for pickup. Keep all other kids in the room to hand off to the next volunteers for the next service.


In nursery, two kids are being too physically aggressive with each other. What do you do?

Remove one of the children from the situation to diffuse it.


How many adults are required to be in the room at any time?



On the last day, how many times did the Israelites march around Jericho?

7 times


What do we do in case of a fire?

Calmly collect the students in your room and proceed out the closest outdoor exit. Then meet in the back of the church parking lot for parent pickup.

What do I have to do before I leave?

Make sure all kids are picked up and your space is clean.

Surfaces (Wipe down surfaces, pick up trash, take dirty dishes to the kitchen, etc.)

Administrative (New student / incident report paperwork to Kim, put away check-in chromebooks, return supplies, etc.)

Vaccuum (Use the corded vacuum)

Electricity (Make sure all electronics are off)


In Kidz Church, a student refuses to come over to the dots for the lesson and is playing loudly with table game toys. What do you do?

First, ask the student to come over and explain what we are going to be doing.

Second, ask them to help you do something involving the lesson.

In some cases, parallel play is allowed, but try to substitute a quieter activity.


What is not allowed for kids to bring in to nursery?

Food. Especially mints and gummies from the coffee bar.


How many books are in the Bible?



What is our student sickness policy?

No fever or vomiting for 24 hours, no open rashes. If a fever is suspected, or a student seems ill, notify Kim.


What happens with all doors within the "on duty" hours?

All doors are shut all the way.


What's the easiest way to keep kids on task?

Prevention is KEY! Engage with them and encourage them to do the right thing.
What content is approved to watch in nursery?
Worship videos

Who was given the coat of many colors?



A student asks you if they can take off their shoes and they have socks on. How do you respond?

You say "No, here at church we don't take our shoes off because of foot fungus and we want to be ready to leave the building at any time."

What does check out look like in Kidz Church and Nursery?

Lead teachers stand by the entryway (check-in desk for Kidz Church) to engage with parents as they come in, discussing any quick comments about how their child participated in their class. Then, they call the student over, who should be playing and engaging with other students and the assistants while they wait. 


What's a student's biggest motivator for having good behavior?

Ownership and encouragement.



A student has to use the restroom. What do you do?

One leader accompanies the child to the door, props the door open, stands where they can be seen from their room, and waits to escort the child back to the room.

What does the word "gospel" and "amen" mean?

Gospel means "good news" and amen means "I agree" or "let it be so".