Acronyms / Definitions
Hodge Podge
How often do you calculate an individual's eligibility for RCA?
Every month.
What is the amount of the Job Retention bonus for a part time job?
What part(s) of the preventive health screening is/are free of cost to refugees?
All required preventive health screening services are free of cost to refugees.
Refugee Social Services
What is a Driving School Bonus?
Money for an employable who needs driving lessons as part of the employment plan.
What is earned income?
Money earned through employment (self-employment or otherwise).
What is the primary indicator of self-sufficiency and how long does ORR give refugees to achieve?
Employment within 8-months of Date of Entry into the US.
Name 3 things resettlement agencies may be required to do to ensure refugee access to health services.
Orientation, Transportation, Translation, Making appointments, Filling out medical applications, Monitoring health issues, Advocacy with health care providers, etc.
Refugee Advisory Council
How many consecutive days does a refugee have to work to qualify for 90-day job retention benefit?
At least 80 consecutive working days.
Name at least 3 kinds of income that are always excluded from RCA income calculation.
R&P Benefits, Tax Refunds, Gifts, SNAP Benefits, Earnings of a child under 16, Income or resources remaining in country of origin, income from outside family unit, loans, etc.
What is considered a full time job for ORR reporting purposes?
A job that is 35 or more hours per week.
What is the period of eligibility for Medicaid for refugees?
8 months from date of entry / date of grant/certification.
What is a Secondary Migrant?
Anyone whose original destination state was not Louisiana but has relocated to Louisiana.
What is Refugee Social Services?
Program that provides all employability services. Eligibility for this program lasts 5 years from Date of Entry or Date of Certification.
What is considered a family unit for purposes of determining RCA cash assistance level?
An adult over 17 with or without a spouse and all minor children the family cares for.
Name 4 employment-related activities that can be grounds to terminate RCA if a client does not participate.
Attend a job fair, accept an appropriate job offer, maintain an appropriate job placement, attend an interview, attend ESL, complete a job application, complete a resume, etc.
Name at least three kinds of health services/screenings that refugees supposed to receive.
o Review of records, complete history, physical exam o Vision/hearing/dental/mental health screening o Lab testing (esp. TB and Hep B and incl. for parasites) o Immunizations o Treatment for latent TB, malaria (and schistosomiasis for some) o Individual counseling o Establish ongoing primary care (referred to primary care provider)
Definition of gross income.
The amount of income before taxes and deductions - used to calculate RCA cash assistance eligibility.
What is the 4 month earned income disregard?
Once applicant is determined eligible for RCA, applicant's income from employment is not considered for the first 4 months of continued eligibility for RCA.
Name 3 reasons why someone might not be eligible for RCA.
Family income above 150% of the federal poverty guidelines, full time student in higher education, sanctioned for failure to comply with employment plan, currently in Match Grant.
Name 3 categories of people who can be exempt from "employability" / requirement to work (outside of those under 18 and over 65).
Anyone 21 or younger attending full-time grade or high school, technical or vocational school in grade 12 or below, someone with a serious physical/mental impairment, anyone caring for another member of the family who has a physical or mental impairment, pregnant woman who is due within 6 months, or caretaker of child under age 1.
What is the definition of "health benefits available" with employment?
Benefits should be considered available if health coverage is an option for the employee at any point within 6 months of placement (even if coverage is not extended to the employee's family members).
What is the LRSC - acronym and definition?
Louisiana Refugee Service Collaborative. You!
What are 3 steps required to sanction a client for RCA program termination for non-compliance with employment plan?
Warnings, Mediation, Termination of Benefits Letter.