Internet v. Library
RCC Library 101
Using the Library
Research in Action
True or False: Everything on the web is accessible through Google.
Where are most of the library’s circulating books?
The circulating collection is the second floor of the library (fourth floor of the building).
True or False: The library’s catalog will suggest correct spelling when you type.
FALSE. The catalog does not recognize words spelled incorrectly. Always check your spelling.
What is the call number to Life Upon These Shores: Looking at African American History, 1513-2008 by Henry Louis Gates (2011)?
Where can you find academic articles?
The best place to find credible academic articles are in the databases. Other options are Google Scholar or Open Access journals on the web.
Where are the Reserves kept?
At the Circulation Desk. You can access the reserves by asking someone at the Circulation Desk.
What do you need to access the databases and eBooks from home?
You need your SUNY RCC username and password. It is the same one for you RCC email and Angel Account.
Find an eBook on Fracking.
Search using Search All or EBSCO eBooks.
What does it mean when a journal article is “peer-reviewed”?
It means the editors of the journal send out the article to experts in the same field to assess the quality of the scholarship, relevance to the field, and appropriateness for the journal.
True or False: The library does not have web printing.
FALSE. To print from a laptop, you access the Printing Portal Link on the library website and sign in with your RCC username and password.
Where can you find an example of an or create an MLA citation?
MLA Citation Style Guide on the library website, Purdue OWL, Albany Citation Fox, etc. Citation tools on electronic databases. Citation generators like EasyBib, Citation Machine, BibMe, etc.
Using EBSCO Academic Search Complete. Find and email yourself the article: “Lived Experiences of Pediatric Oncology Nurses in Iran” Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 18.5 (2013): 349-354. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.
EBSCO ASC is under Databases, search for title, use email options on the right.
Does Google Scholar always accurately indicates which full-text materials you have access to?
Usually, but sometimes it makes mistakes.
In what five ways can you reach a librarian to ask a question?
During library hours you may call, text, instant message, visit a librarian, or email anytime.
You’re doing a paper on Japanese American internment during WWII. Which of these are primary sources? A memoir by an internee, a peer-reviewed article, a history book, and a newspaper article from 1942.
The memoir and the newspaper article.
Using ProQuest Research Library, find a full-text, peer-reviewed article about astroturf and ACL injuries.
Under Databases, check the peer review box, search by "astroturf" and "acl injuries"
When researching (particularly on the internet) it is very important to evaluate information. What are the six considerations?
Date. Author. Publisher. Scope. Audience. Point of View.
What is the first thing you have to do in order to order an interlibrary loan (ILL)?
To use interlibrary loan you have to create an account in ILLiad.
How can you narrow a search in a database? Name two or more ways.
Add more keywords, use quotations around phrases, provide a date range, narrow by subject term, type of publication, location etc.,
Find and evaluate an article: Your research assignment is about current immigration laws in the United States.
Pick a database or Search All, search "immigration laws" or "current immigration laws" and "United States", filter for recent years in date fields.