GED Testing
Fall Semester

During Orientation, students are required to attend  ________ days. 

All four days


When you take a test in the RCCC Testing Center, you will have ______ chances to pass the test.

3 chances/attempts to pass the GED test.


I don't have to take the TABE Math Test if I have already passed my GED Math Exam.

True or False

False, all students in our program are required to take the TABE Math Test even if they have passed the GED Math Exam. This is a state requirement. 


What is happening on August 10? 

Social Studies Field Trip to the Price for Freedom Museum. We leave the North Campus Parking Lot at 8:30. Will return around 12:00 PM.  


It is ok to wear revealing clothes or clothing that is distracting as long as you feel good in what you are wearing.  True or False

False, students are to be dressed in appropriate clothing and should cause distractions to others.On campus pants worn at the hip, no underwear showing.


What is the deadline when students need to sign their registration paperwork? 

August 1, 2023


If you don't take your Government Issued ID to the testing center, the testing coordinator will still let you take your GED test. 

True or False



The TABE Math test has _________ levels. 

4-Easy, Medium, Difficult, and Advanced


What are the dates of Fall Break? 

October 9th, 2023


________ hours of attendance a week are required. 

10 hours of attendance each week are required to remain in good standing.  


What is the first day students must attend the classes they have been assigned? 

August 2nd


What building is the RCCC Testing Center located on the North Campus? 

Building N101


The TABE test is an open notebook test where students can use class notes. 

True or False

False, students are only allowed a blank piece of paper and pen/pencil when testing. 


Do we have school on September 4th? 

No, Labor Day Monday. No classes will be held. 


Which of the following are expected of students: 

a. Keep my Zoom camera on during class. 

b. Students need to set up a learning place that is best for learning with little distractions.

c. Be on time to class.

All three are expectations


You can bring your Library Card or birth certificate when you come to sign your registration paperwork. 

True or False

False, you must bring a Government Issued ID: driver's license, ID card, or Passport.  


It is the responsibility of the student to reschedule a GED exam if you don't show up or need to reschedule the exam for any reason. 

True or False

True, the student must reschedule the exam 24 hours in advance by contacting or by going into your account and rescheduling. 


Within a school year, a student needs to make a level gain on the TABE test or pass all GED tests. 

True, an NRS level gain is required within a year. That means you will have until the end of June 2023 to make a level gain. That is called Eligible to Benefit.


What event is taking place on October 3,4,5 and 10? 

October Orientation. 


If an instructor calls on a student and the student doesn't answer, the screen is off, with no responses in the chat, then the teacher will think...

a. the student has been abducted by aliens

b.the student is asleep or distracted

b. When students don't answer after 3 times, the instructor thinks the student is distracted, sleeping or off doing something else. He/She has permission to remove you from class if you don't respond and actively participate. We can't count attendance if you aren't in class. 

Where do you go to sign your registration paperwork? 

a. RCCC Navigation Station

b. RCCC North Campus off Jake Alexander Blvd. Building N 110, Room 226

c. Mars

C. RCCC North Campus 

1333 Jake Alexander Blvd. S

Salisbury, NC

Building N110, room 226


The GED vouchers can be earned by attending class. You can earn up to _______ practice test vouchers and ________ GED test vouchers.

4 practice test vouchers and 4 GED vouchers. The 1st voucher is earned after 60 hours of class and a TABE posttest. 


The TABE test gives my instructor information on what I need to work on to strengthen my math skills. 

True or False



How many terms do we have this semester?


 July 10th-August 31st

September 5th-October 31st

November 1st -December 7th


Students are chosen for The National Adult Education Honor Society by these criteria? 

Consistent attendance, leadership traits, positive attitudes towards self and others.