Rosco YAC
YAC Best Practices
Intro to YAC
What is the RCCF

These three schools make up our YAC

What is RHS, CHA, HLHS?


If an endowment is like an apple tree, this part of the tree is used to make grants.

What are the apples?


The total number of YAC Best Practices.

What is 15?


How many young people are involved in youth grantmaking in Michigan annually?

1,500+ youth!


What does RCCF stand for?

What is Roscommon County Community Foundation?

The grade range to be a member of YAC

What is 8th-12th Grade?


How many grants must a YAC give in a year?

What is zero? 

There is no minimum number of grants a YAC must give in a year. If your YAC is struggling to find organizations to address youth needs, consider adopting a proactive approach or convening community partners to start a project. 


YAC Best Practices recommends that YACs participate in two of these activities annually to help them engage with their community.

What are community service projects?


How many YACs are there in Michigan? 



When was the RCCF started?

What is Fall 2001?


The mission statement we follow

What is Encourage positive change for generations of youth to come. For Good. For Ever. For Everyone.


Name four words starting with the letter "T" that help us to better understand philanthropy and the work of nonprofit organizations.

What is time, talent, treasure, testimony?

Time: Your most precious resource. Volunteering is a critical need of nonprofits and crucial to their success.

Talent: You may have skills or knowledge that can be beneficial to the of goals of a organization. As youth philanthropists, you are already well equipped to advise others on youth needs in your community.

Treasure: Nonprofits need money. Financial supporters play a large part in the success of nonprofits, whether those be small contributions or large.

Testimony: Your story and life experience is incredibly valuable. Stories have the power to inspire others and spark action. Consider sharing it to help support an organization's cause or mission.


This YAC best practice asks youth to assess critical issues related to youth in their community. 

What is a Needs Assessment?

 Best practices recommend completing a needs assessment at least once every three years. (Best Practice#5)


True or False: All Community Foundations only have one YAC.



How many funds are there through the RCCF?

A. 102

B. 149

C. 86


The name of our fund we use for grants

What is The Roscommon County Kellogg Youth Fund


This status designates an organization as a charitable non-profit organization.

What is 501c3 tax-exempt status?


The minimum number of times per year a Youth Advisory Committee should try to meet.

What is 7? (Best Practice #1)


Does every YAC in Michigan have an endowment?


YACs come in all sizes. Some YACs have large endowments, while others may fundraise for their grant dollars. However, YAC's established by the original Youth Challenge grant were required to endow a portion of those funds.


When is the RCCF's Grant Cycle? Also, how many cycles are in a year? 

What is Fall and Spring?

What is Two?


The top needs in our youth community

What are.. 

  • Drug Use
    • Tobacco Use/Vaping
    • Marijuana Use
  • Mental Health 
    • Bullying/Cyberbullying
    • Suicide
    • Academic Stress
    • Depression
    • Self-esteem
  • Racism
  • In School Violence
  • Lack of Home Stability 

How much money is collectively granted by YACs in Michigan each year?

a) $1 million

b) $2 million

c) $2.5 million

d) $3 billion

c) $2.5 million


YAC Best Practices recommends at least one YACer fulfill this role at their community foundation.

What is a voting member on the community foundation Board of Trustee? (Best Practice #10)



What Michigan Foundation is responsible for creating the Challenge Grant that established YACs?

W.K. Kellogg Foundation


Name all staff members

Who are 

Suzanne Luck- Executive Director

Cassandra Freeman- Business Manager

Jeff McGurk- Development Manager