This system is the part of the plant which is ordinarily underground anchoring the plant and function in absorbing nutrients and storing food.
What is the root?
The three basic shapes of leaves.
What are Broad and flat, Long and narrow and Needle-like or scale like?
These are a developing leaf.
What are buds?
Three types of tissue
What are Structural, Vascular, and Meristematic?
Vascular tissue in plants is similar to this system in humans.
What is the circulatory system?
This system is the part of the plant found above ground holding leaves toward the sun for the manufacturing of food and providing protection.
What is the shoot system?
These help to keep the leaf in its form and prevent it from tear or collapse.
What are blades?
These leaves have one blade on each petiole.
What are simple leaves?
The purpose of this is to replace epidermal tissue and forms another layer of the tissue back around the bark.
What is cork tissue?
Ms. Foster often compared sap and it’s functions in plants to this counterpart in the human circulatory system.
What is the blood?
This is a structure within a system that has a definite form and performs definite function or it functions for the system.
What is an organ?
This attaches the blade to the stem and contains substance between the blade and the stem.
What is the petiole?
These leaves have more than one blade on every petiole.
What are compound leaves?
This tissue is found in roots, stems, leaves, and fruits to help store food.
What is the parenchyma?
This moves water and dissolved minerals upward to the leaves.
What is the xylem?
Leaves make this for plants.
What is food?
When a plant lacks a petiole, it’s called this
What is a sessile?
These are the point at which leaves grow from the stem.
What are nodes?
This is the sweet liquid that is found within vascular tissues of plants.
This moves food manufactured on leaves downward.
What is the phloem?
Flowers allow plants to do this.
What is reproduce?
These are small leaf like or scale like structures that help covers the leaf during development.
What are stipules?
This is growth due to a plant’s exposure to light.
What is phototropism?
The two types of sap functions
What is Water dissolves minerals and moves it up to the leaves, and Moves downward to the stem and roots.
This tissue helps to grow and repair plants.
What is meristematic tissue?