This person was raised in Mexico City
This person was on the crew team when they were in college
This person is a D&D fan
This person has historically had at least one pet bunny living with them since childhood
This city is projected to surpass Chicago as the third largest city in the US
Dallas, TX
These two people have traveled to 5/7 continents
Josh and Ian
David worked at this consulting firm for several years
PwC consulting
This person was number one in their division at chess nationals
This person recently completed a triathlon
This city plays host to the largest single-day sporting event in the world every Memorial Day weekend.
This person went on a cross-country road trip to witness the 2017 solar eclipse
This person was a college radio host
Ian was in the top x% of capitol bike share users in 2024
Top 1%
This person has a twin brother
This is the second most visited city in the US, following NYC with about half as many annual overseas visitors.
Miami, FL (4.37 million visitors annually)
This person worked in rural France for 3 summers
This person interned at the Office of the President
The number of nonfiction books Julia read in 2024
2 (compared to 68 fiction)
This person was on the tv show "Worst Cooks in America"
Route 66 starts and ends in these two cities
Chicago, IL and Santa Monica, CA
Quadruple Play: These 4 team members have or currently live in the Chicago area
Farhad, Ivonne, Sarah and Julia
This person was once a Calendar Clerk at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.
Triple play: these 3 team members are pottery enthusiasts taking (or planning to take) wheel throwing classes
Jordyn, Julia and Harshita
What is the most common birth month of folks in RDA?
July (Harshita, Ivonne, Christy [+ Ian not included in the total])
This city is home to the oldest stock exchange in the US
Philadelphia, PA