Important Principles for the Reading Teacher
Ongoing Assessments
Assessing Reading Strengths and Weaknesses
Characteristics of Tests
Assessment should always be used to guide this.
What is instruction?
This is an annotated copy of text with miscues and other reading behaviors noted
What is a running record?
This type of assessment is continuous and used to guide instruction.
What is formative?
This is the measure of how stable test scores are, and if the test can be replicated with similar results.
What is reliability?
This is how much time you will spend in student teaching.
What is 13 weeks or 65 days?
We want to provide reading instruction at this level, to avoid frustration and ensure success.
What is the instructional level?
This is often given at the beginning of the year and shows an oral reading rate, along with a comprehension level for the student.
What is an Informal Reading Inventory?
This type of assessment takes place at the end of a unit and is used to evaluate instruction.
What is summative?
According to this, students' rank order would remain very similar from one test to another; uses the test-retest method.
What is stability?
This is the number of field experience hours that you need.
What is 100?
Children have the best chance of improving reading skills by doing this as often as possible.
What is reading?
These are notes taken when students are working.
What are observation records?
This type of assessement reflects actual assessment in the classroom, and is usually based on a real-life experience.
What is authentic assessment?
This is the degree to which items within a test are related.
What is internal consistency?
Students who speak English as a second language are often referred to as this. They make up the most rapidly expanding population in North American schools
What are ESL, ELL or LEP students?
We need to focus our instruction on both fiction, and this type of reading material.
What is nonfiction or expository text?
These are reading passages with words systematically deleted to be filled in by the reader.
What are Cloze passages?
This is a point on a scale from 1 to 99 that indicates the number of students who received an equal or lower score.
What is percentile rank?
This characteristic shows that we are measuring what is supposed to be measured.
What is validity?
Though we need to be supportive of all students, teachers need to have an accepting attitude toward the unique characteristics of this group, and give them unqualified support
What are special needs students?
Reading for pleasure should be an intrinsic motivator. Although not ideal, we can also use these to motivate students/
What are extrinsic rewards?
This contains work samples chosen by the teacher and student to show progress over time.
What are portfolios?
These formal measures are designed to focus on a child's mastery of a specific reading skill or skills; benchmarks and rubrcis are used to assess.
What are Criterion Referenced tests?
This is the distribution of scores as a visual representation of a group's performance on a given test. We often hear about this in statistics class.
What is the bell curve?
When teaching this, we need to be explicit. It is not ok to ask students to make guesses about what they "think" the correct answer is!
What is vocabulary?