Literature Circles
Book Clubs
Anticipation Guide
Discussion Web
-good readers decode the words in the text and their meanings -understand how print works -use strategies to read unknown words and to find the meaning of unknown words -clarify the meaning of difficult words or phrases -uses varied strategies to make sense of difficult ideas and concepts
What is code breakers?
-small groups of students gather together to discuss a piece of literature in depth -the discussion is guided by students' response to what they have read.
What is a literature circle?
groups of students read the same book and have weekly meetings to discuss their thoughts and feelings about the book
What is a book club?
a comprehension strategy that is used before reading to activate students' prior knowledge and build curiosity about a new topic
What is anticipation guide?
graphic aid
What is a discussion web?
-good readers interact with the text to make meaning -use personal and background knowledge to make text connections (to themselves, other text, and the world) -make predictions and revise them as they read -read between the lines and make inferences -ask questions while they read -summarize the text and synthesize ideas
What is meaning maker?
-provide a way for students to engage in critical thinking and reflection as they read, discuss, and respond to books -collaboration -students reshape and add onto their understanding as they construct meaning with other readers -guide students to deeper understanding of what they read through structured discussion and extended written and artistic response
What is the purpose of literature circles?
-method is more relaxed and less structured - its flexibility makes it more adaptable to a variety of classrooms and students
What is different in book clubs and literature circles?
-they teach students to make predictions, anticipate the text, and verify their predictions -they connect new information to prior knowledge and build curiosity about a new topic
What is reasons to use anticipation guides?
1. After reading a selection, form groups of two students each 2. Together, discuss the question in terms of the evidence that can be found to support the agree/disagree 3. Join another group and come to a consensus by stating your conclusion and reasons for your conclusion 4. Present your groups conclusion and reasons for your conclusion
What is instructions of how to use a discussion web?
-good readers decide how they can use the text and meaning they made with the text -set a clear purpose for reading (to find information, to evaluate arguments, to be entertained)
What is text users?
1. Select members for the Literature Circles (discussion groups). 2. Assign roles for the members of each circle. 3. Assign reading to be completed by the circles inside or outside of class. 4. Select circle meeting dates. 5. Help students prepare for their roles in their circle. 6. Act as a facilitator for the circles.
What is the way you use literature circles?
thematically-linked contexts provide opportunities for teaching the full range of language and literacy skills students need in order to become literacy users, critical thinkers, and citizens in a democratic society.
What is helpful about book clubs?
1. Write four to six statements about key ideas in the text; some true and some false. 2. Model the process. Introduce the text or reading material and share the guide with the students. Model the process of responding to the statements and marking the columns. 3. Read each of the statements and ask the students if they agree or disagree with it. Provide the opportunity for discussion. 4. Read the text aloud or have students read the selection individually. 5. Bring closure to the reading by revisiting each of the statements.
What is a way to use anticipation guide?
Collaboration and group work helps students retain information, improves retention and understanding of concepts.
What is helpful in using discussion webs?
-good readers analyze the text with a critical eye -identify the author's purpose-why did he/she write the work -identify the author's point of view toward the story/topic -identify other possible points of view towards the story/topic
What is text analysts?
-a place for cooperative learning -allow students to make choices about their learning -are fun, in part because they are social experiences -powerful experiences for reluctant and/or struggling readers
What is helpful about literature circles?
-helps students on lower reading levels improve -gets students engaged in books -challenges students on higher reading levels
What is important about book clubs?
Have students place a check mark on the line next to each statement prior to reading the chapter if the sentence is true. Once they finish, they read the chapter and discuss if their initial thoughts were correct or incorrect based on the text.
What is anticipation guide?
1. Prepare 2. Introduce new vocab 3. Introduce a question, develop yes & no concepts 4. Jot down reasons with partner 5. Spokesperson explains to class what consensus the group decided on 6.Follow up activity: have individual responses, ask orignial question to see what they know now
What is an example activity using a discussion web?
Literature circles engage students in rich conversations about shared readings. Students can express their opinions, predictions, and questions about a text in a productive, structured way. The teacher may ask students to take on specific group roles, such as summarizer or director, which are designed to develop reading, speaking, and thinking abilities. As the students become more skilled in literature circle conversations, they can move beyond specific role assignments.
What is an overview of literature circles?
You don’t have to just sit around and talk about the book. You can play games (charades or Win, Lose or Draw with book-specific themes), do themed activities or even dress up as your favorite character for the meeting.
What is ways to make book clubs fun?
Jenny Simpson
What is the name of your classmate that presented anticipation guides to the class?
-gain from others -eliminate double ideas
What is benefits of using discussion webs?