Ch 1 Reading System
Ch. 2 Vocabulary Skills & Ch. 3 Stated Main Idea
Ch. 4 Implied Main Idea & Ch. 5 Supporting Details
Ch. 6 Outlines and Concept Maps &
Ch. 7 Transitions and Thought Patterns
Ch. 8 More Thought Patterns &
Ch 9 Fact and Opinion
Ch. 10 Tone & Purpose & Ch. 11 Inferences
The information that surrounds a new word that provides help to unlock meaning A. What is prior knowledge? B. What is a topic? C. What are context clues? D. What is vocabulary?
C. What are context clues?
It is not stated directly but is strongly suggested by the supporting details in a paragraph. A. What is an implied main idea B. What is an implied topic C. What is an implied central idea D. What is an implied context clue
A. What is an implied main idea?
A special kind of outline that is based on topics and subtopics. A. What is a formal outline? B. What is a table of contents? C. What is a summary? D. What is a concept map?
B. What is a table of contents?
This thought pattern is the best way for a writer to explain difficult terms. A. What is comparison pattern? B. What is space order pattern? C. What is definition example pattern? D. What is cause and effect pattern?
C. What is definition example pattern?
The author's attitude toward the topic. A. What is mood? B. What is author's tone? C. What is connotation? D. What is denotation?
B. What is author's tone?
The main idea of a passage made up of two or more paragraphs A. What is the main idea? B. What is the topic? C. What is stated main idea? D. What is the central idea?
D. What is the central idea?
All of these help you find what? 1st- Determine the topic and supporting details 2nd- Identify the author's opinion 3rd- Summarize the most important details in one sentence
What is finding an implied main idea?
The purpose of these is to show the relationships among the main idea, major supporting details, and minor supporting details. A. What are summaries? B. What is annotating? C. What are outlines? D. What are signal words?
C. What are outlines?
Gathering and analyzing evidence is a method used to develop these. A. What are biased interpretations? B. What are informed opinions? C. What are expert opinions? D. What are facts?
B. What are informed opinions?
An idea that is suggested by the facts or details in a passage. A. What is an assumption? B. What is a hint? C. What is an inference? D. What is a biased language?
C. What is an inference?
Marking the text by underlining, circling, highlighting key topics, key terms, and main ideas A. What is annotating? B. What is comprehension? C. What is prior knowledge? D. What is summarizing?
A. What is annotating?
The specific ideas that develop or explain. A. What is an implied main idea? B. What are signal words? C. What is the author's opinion? D. What are supporting details?
D. What are supporting details?
These show the logical relationship among ideas in a paragraph or passage established by transitions. A. What are context clues? B. What are thought patterns? C. What are signal words? D. What are formal outlines?
B. What are thought patterns?
These are presented as a fact but is actually untrue. A. What are false facts? B. What are expert opinions? C. What are opinions with loaded language? D. What are informed opinions?
A. What are false facts?
This is conveyed with the choice of language the author uses to express ideas. A. What are author's tone and purpose? B. What are inferences? C. What are logic and organization? D. What are literary devices?
A. What are author's tone and purpose?
When does a master reader employ reading strategies? (3 answers)
What is before, during, and after reading?
This condenses a paragraph or passage down to only its primary points by restating the main idea, major supporting details, and important examples.
What is summarizing?
Words and phrases that show relationships among ideas.
What are transitions?
What two thought patterns in Ch. 8 use the same transitions, or signal words?
What are generalization and example and definition patterns?
These are wrong conclusions that is not based on the details or facts.
What are false inferences?
Information learned throughout a lifetime.
What is prior knowledge?
These are not as important as major supporting details and can be left out of a paragraph.
What are minor supporting details?
The author uses this in a text to emphasize important ideas in a passage.
What is specialized print?
This writing pattern explains why something happened and the results that followed.
What is cause and effect pattern?
The list below is important to consider when making these. *Readers must be aware of biased language and replace it with factual details to form valid conclusions. *Readers must look for clues that are based on logic and experience. *Your answer must be reasonable according to the information given.
What are inferences?