The OAA became law in this year
Age Requirement of LWAH
65 years of age and older
Nat'l Family Caregiver Support Program was established in this year
Administration on Aging, the Office on Disability, and the Administration on Developmental Disabilities came together to form this operating division of federal HHS
Administration for Community Living
Who appoints the 25 board members to the MBA
The Governor of the state of MN
State grants are this title
Title III
3 Categories
Capital and Renovation
LTSS Development
Paid leave benefit begins in MN in this year
There are this many State Units on Aging
District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands.
The MBA administers these two direct services
Tribal grants are this title
Title VI
This amount is the max
Named after a former First Lady, the Institute Advancing Recognition and Support for Caregivers
Rosalynn Carter Institute
This Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging for ACL has MN roots.
Kari Benson
The MBA is administratively housed within
Aging and Adult Services Division
Bonus: Aging and Disability Services Administration
OAA Title III Part C supports to this service
Match requirement and restrictions
Dollar for dollar and state funds
This Senator sponsored legislation to provide research and support for people with ALS and those caring for them
Senator Tomassoni
This acronym OAIANNH is better known as
Title VI
This statute created the MBA
OAA Title VI Part C supports this service
Caregiver Services
Special Focus (Optional, 50 points)
Represent a culturally focused org, serve culturally and racially diverse population, AI/AN, Rural, Veterans, LGBTQI or use of innovative and/or enhanced approach to successful outcomes.
The acronym RAISE, the council that informed the 2022 National Strategy to support Family Caregivers stands for
Recognize, Assist, Include, Support and Engage
ACL released a final rule to update the regulations implementing its Older Americans Act (OAA) programs, compliance date is
October 1, 2025
The MBA was created in this year
1956 as the Governor's Council on Aging