Attributes of God
Revelation of God
Jesus & Sacred Scriptures
Overview of the Bible
Scripture in the Church

God is the "what", not created

What is Creator


This is the way God communicates knowledge of himself by actions, words, or through his divine son Jesus

What is Revelation?


This was given to Moses and expresses moral truths in the Bible.

What are the 10 Commandments?


The Bible is organized in this manner.

What is Old Testament and then New Testament?

What is logical order (Genesis - creation first, Revelation (end of days) last.)


This particular saint randomly opened the Bible to Romans 13:12 "throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light" and then did this.

What is reform his ways and become baptized?


The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

What is the Trinity or What is God is Trnintatian


The sacred scripture or the canon of scripture is also known as this?

What is the Bible?


The Bible authors used this technique.  An example that might be true is raining hard might be described as "raining cats and dogs".

What is symbolism?


There are this many books in the Bible.

What is 73?


If one attends Mass on Saturday/Sunday it takes three years to read most of the Bible.  If one attends daily mass the Bible is read in this amount of time.

What is two years.


This person baptized Jesus in the River Jordan

Who is John the Baptist?


The Good News is also know as this by Christians.

What is the Gospel


When reading the Bible one should 1) read the Bible as a whole, not just the passages, 2) read in light of the tradition of the Church, 3) read in the analogy of the faith placed in the context of God's -What-.

What is Revelation?


The Bible came from this Greek word meaning "book".

What is "biblion"?


St Ambrose said that "We speak to God whenever we pray; we "this" God when we read divine sayings."

What is hear?


This word means "leads to salvation"

What is God's Providence?


The five stages of God's Revelation were through 1. 2. Noah after the flood, 3. Abraham (patriarch of three religions), 4. this person and 5. Jesus, in the final revelation 

Who is Moses?


Vatican II indicated that "sacred scripture must be read and interpreted in light of the same -What- by whom it was written" (Dei Verbum, 3)

What is Spirit


The three categories of the New Testament are 1) -these-, 2) Letters to a Christian person or community, and 3) Letters intended for the Christian church.

What is the Gospel?


These Gospels are very alike and known as the synoptic Gospels.

What are Matthew, Mark, and Luke?


This prayer expresses the beliefs of Catholics.

What is the Nicene Creed or What is the Apostles Creed


This word means literally "the first Gospel"

What is protoevangelium?


This Greek word means "to lead", and is used in the context of leading or bringing out the Biblical author's intentions, purpose or meaning.

What is Exegis?


These books are considered the books of the Bible that the church accepts as inspired.

What is Canon (27 NT, 46 OT)?

What is Canon from the Greek Kanon meaning "measuring rod"?


This Latin Word translates to divine readings.

What is Lecto Divina?