Making Inferences
Text & Graphic Features
Theme vs. Main Idea
NF Text Structures
What is Thanksgiving dinner without pumpkin pie? Well, it would be a complete disaster! Make sure to REMEMBER the PIE! Unless... you want a disaster to happen.
What is author's purpose, persuade?
Background knowledge is also known as ____________.
What is schema?
The parts of your textbook that help you locate or understand information.
What is text features?
The moral, message, or lesson in a story.
What is theme?
My favorite comfy spot is next to my office window. Where I can turn on my reading lamp and read without any disruptions. I bundle myself up on my very comfy yellow chair. I throw my blanket over my feet and rest my head on the plush head rest!
What is description?
Describes what a character looks like on the outside and the inside.
What is physical and personality traits?
The rattling outside my window kept disrupting my T.V. watching. As I continued to watch T.V. suddenly a spark went out and the lights went out!
What is a storm?
Parts of your textbook that you visualize and understand information.
What is graphic features?
What is the text is mostly about.
What is main idea?
Over the weekend I did not work for two days straight. When Monday morning came around I knew I was in deep trouble! I had many homework assignment due! I decided to solve my problem by turning off my phone, and turning off my T.V. to complete ALL my work.
What is problem and solution?
It is WHERE and WHEN a story takes place, like location, major event, time of day, time of year, and time in histroy.
What is setting?
Today feels like the worst day ever! I had to wake up bright and early because my mom said it was one of those day when the whole house had to be cleaned up! I kew this was a typical ____________ morning.
What is a Sunday morning?
Are the important words or phrases ex: bold, highlighted, italic, underlined, color, or capital letters.
What is keywords?
Be compassionate to those around you.
What is theme?
First, I shower then I put lotion on. Next, I brush my teeth and pick out my clothes for the next day. Before I jump into bed I rinse my mouth and lay down to sleep.
What is sequence?
A slumber party if in full swing! They are eating snacks preparing to play board games, when suddenly they hear a loud knock on the door. The parents had long ago gone to bed. Staring at each other, they slowly get up and creep over to the front door. As they approach the door, what they saw was completely unexpected!
What is third-person-point of view?
I was watching my dad hang a picture frame with a hammer and a nail. As I walked away I heard a loud scream.
What is my dad smashed his finger?
Found in the back of a book. An alphabetical list of important subjects in the text and their pages; it is more specific than a table of contents.
What is an index?
The family's trip to Disney was cancelled when grandma got hurt.
What is main idea?
My BFF and I are similar because we are both ten and we were born on the same year! However, I was born in Mexico and she was born in the United States. Like my BFF, I enjoy doing my nails while watching T.V. Except that she likes to watch scary movies while I like to watch funny movies.
What is compare and contrast?
Evidence (text clues) + Schema (background knowledge) =__________
What is making inferences?
Rolling down the street in my brand new bike when suddenly I went flying over the handles. As I hit the floor I heard a loud crash and pain shot up and down my arm.
What is I broke my arm?
Found in the back of a book, it includes a list of words and their definitions.
What is the glossary?
Charlie's parents wouldn't buy him the new transformer, so he came up with a plan to get on his own.
What is main idea?
Because of the time I spend practicing my running stamina as a consequence my coach was extremely improved with my huge improvement!
What is cause and effect?