When starting their SPD updates a CAE would pull these reports from Benefit Template Builder (BTB) as the source of truth.
What are BDR, TCR, and Comment reports?
Any of the reports is acceptable.
This is the proper formatting style to use if you want your section heading or benefit heading to appear in an ASOMed Table of Contents.
What is Heading 1 and Heading 2?
What is Summary Plan Description?
This system lists the tasks that need to be completed for new business, renewals and changes.
What is AXIS?
When working in Com360 CAEs will have less issues if they use this Web browser instead of Edge
What is Chrome?
A new cost share section was added to the BDR under Neurobiological and Autism Spectrum Disorders when this service is covered.
What is Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Autism (ABA) Covered?
What is ABA? (acceptable)
It is important that items in the schedule, coverage details and the glossary be in this type of order.
What is alphabetical order?
What is Onboard Manager?
A CAE would use this system to create a new business SPD
What is COM360?
A separate Axis task will now be added to KA timelines to improve visibility and completion of this product’s documents.
What is Stop Loss?
A field in KA BDRs for these lab services was usually limited to 18 but will most likely be changed to unlimited for 2025.
What are Presumptive and Definitive Lab Tests?
When finalizing an SPD one of the formatting changes a CAE should perform on each SPD is CTRL A to select all and then this update.
What is change font color to Automatic or Black?
What is Remove highlight? (acceptable)
What is Certificate of Coverage?
While a CAE may have previously searched the PDML for a template, one would now need to search this site instead.
What is DOC360?
You need to make sure your SPDs are in this enchanted shared drive so all CAEs have access.
What is CAE Magic?
This benefit will give any CAE gray hair and stress when the BDR has non-standard comments.
What is infertility? or What is Gender Dysphoria?
Be sure these terms are capitalized in your SPD.
What is a Defined Term?
What is a Glossary term/definition? (acceptable)
What is Digital Benefit Data?
What is Digital Benefit Documents? (acceptable)
This is the repository to input case data such as number of SPDs and drafting tool. This could impact your workload.
What is Case Demographics?
When creating Stop Loss documents you now need to retrieve this form rather than the Medical UAF.
What is a rate template?
When a customer wants a non-standard benefit the benefit consultant would describe the benefit in this BDR field.
What is a Comment?
What are external or internal comments? (acceptable)
In the ASOMed SPD exclusion section, the appropriate style that should be applied to each numbered exclusion would be what?
What is “List”?
What is Pharmacy Benefit Identification Tool?
This recently launched site replaces Connect to Market (CTM) and also includes information from one.uhc.com Desktop and ONE Mobile into this one site.
What is OneConnect?
There are now 3 options for adding really big groups of SPDs (25+) of SPDs to Doc360. CAE's can upload themselves, ask Wipro, or use this new process.
What is Bulk Upload?