Define the Word
Practicing Inferences
Summary Writing
Unit one
"The Fighter"

Dictionary meaning of a word



You walk in during the first five minutes of Mr. Okolo's class and you notice that all the students are silent. You can infer that mostly likely....

We're having a moment of silence


How many sentences is in a Summary Paragraph

5-6 sentences


Where should you look for the main idea of a story?

The first and last sentence

What motivation did Billie Giles have to fight?

He wanted the money to provide for his family. 


An educated guess based on evidence



Inference Riddle: You can plant me. You can pick me. You can pop me or make me into bread.

A. Flowers

B. Wheat

C. Corn 

D. Raisins



What are the five things that we use when writing a summary?

Somebody,wanted, but, so then


Name the type of meaning for "intense" used in the sentence, "Standing next to the speaker made the music at the concert intense."

Connotative or denotative? 



How did Johnnie Mae feel about Billie Giles boxing?

She hated seeing the damage that boxing caused him.


She was persistent, even when the task was hard. 

A persistent person is stubborn or will not quit trying.


Before the 1800's people didn't have right or left shoes.  They had shoes of just one shape that they used for both feet.  When people first saw right and left shoes, they laughed.  They called them "crooked shoes."  "What a silly idea," they said.  You can tell that shoes before 1800:

A. were pretty

B. didn't look alike

C. didn't fit very well

C. didn't fit very well


A man betrays one of the leaders of the Black Panthers in order to stay out of prison. He is known as Judas. In the end, he escapes to save his life.

What is the wanted in this movie summary?

Judas wanted to stay alive.


If the cop wouldn't have knocked the derringer away he would have been shot.

Derringer is....  

a gun


Why was Billie chosen to fight Vargas?

Billie was supposed to be an "easy" win.


You might experience this on a rollercoaster or a plane when it is shaking violently.



What can be measured but not seen?



Dom Toretto is living the quiet life off the grid with Letty and his son, but they know that danger always lurks just over the peaceful horizon. This time, that threat forces Dom to confront the sins of his past to save those he loves most. His crew soon comes together to stop a world-shattering plot by the most skilled assassin and high-performance driver they've ever encountered -- Dom's forsaken brother.

What is the so in this movie summary.

Dom brings his crew together to stop a "world-shattering" plot by his evil brother.


After winning the fight, he felt taller than he ever had before.

A. Figurative, positive connotation

B. Denotative, he grew taller

C. Figurative, negative connotation

D. Figurative, neutral connotation

A. Figurative, positive connotation

True or false: Billie Giles won the fight with Vargas.



Kevin was remiss in his duties as a house keeper. He let the plant die because he did not remember to water it.



Give your own inference example



Give a summary for any movie or story of your choice using somebody, wanted, but so then.

Answer must have all five components.


I was alone and orphaned, in the middle of the Pacific, hanging on to an oar, an adult tiger in front of me, sharks beneath me, a storm raging about me. The sharks prowled but did not lunge. The waves splashed me but did not pull me off. I watched the ship as it disappeared with much burbling and belching. Lights flickered and went out. I looked about for my family, for survivors, for another lifeboat, for anything that might bring me hope. There was nothing. Only rain, marauding waves of black ocean and the flotsam of tragedy. The darkness melted away from the sky. The rain stopped.

What is the main idea?

A. The tiger keeps the survivors from safety.

B. The ship that the narrator was on sunk with no survivors.

c The narrator explains the shipwreck and his survival.

d The narrator misses his family.

C. The narrator explains the shipwreck and his survival.


“Johnnie Mae was crying, but she didn’t say anything. Billy took the money out of his pocket and threw it on the table. Johnnie Mae picked it up and threw it on the floor. Then,___________, picked it up and put it carefully back onto the dresser.”

A. realizing that they needed the money

B. realizing what she had done.

c. realizing that she had hurt Billie

d. realizing that there was a thousand dollars lying on the floor.

C. Johnnie Mae picked up the money when she realized that she had hurt her husband.