Main Idea
Word Math

Jill got a new phone today, she did so many things on it. Her phone was stolen,  she couldn't find it. When she did, she did many things on it.

What is the main idea?

Jill and her new phone.


Travis wanted a new console, but he had a timper-tantrum.  He was mad because he did not get it.

Why is this passage so important?

A. Travis and his console

B. Timper-Tantrum

C.  He was mad because he did not get it.

A. Travis and his console.


In the cozy corner of Suzy’s room, sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow on her latest treasure—a sleek, jet-black PlayStation. Suzy had saved up for months, diligently setting aside her allowance and birthday money. Her heart raced as she unboxed the console, its glossy surface reflecting her wide-eyed excitement.

The first time Suzy powered it on, the screen flickered to life, and she was transported to a realm of pixels and possibilities. The controller fit snugly in her hands, its buttons promising countless adventures. Suzy’s imagination soared as she navigated virtual landscapes, battling dragons, solving puzzles, and racing against time.

Late into the night, she whispered secrets to her PlayStation—confessions of dreams and fears, victories and defeats. It became her confidante, a silent companion in a world that sometimes felt too big. Suzy’s laughter echoed through the room as she mastered games, each victory a testament to her determination.

Her parents marveled at the transformation. Suzy, once a shy bookworm, now held animated conversations about game strategies and character backstories. She formed alliances with players across continents, sharing victories and defeats in a language that transcended borders.

But it wasn’t just about the games. Suzy discovered a community—a tribe of fellow adventurers who cheered her on, celebrated her milestones, and offered advice when she stumbled. She learned resilience, patience, and the joy of exploration. And in those late-night sessions, when the world outside slept, Suzy found solace in the glow of her PlayStation.

As seasons changed, so did Suzy. Her PlayStation became more than a console; it was a portal to courage, creativity, and camaraderie. She named it “Stella,” after the brightest star in the night sky—a guiding light that led her through quests both digital and real.

And so, Suzy’s story unfolded—a girl and her PlayStation, weaving memories across time and space. Together, they conquered galaxies, rewrote destinies, and whispered secrets into the pixelated night.

The main idea of the text is the heartwarming tale of Suzy and her newfound PlayStation. Suzy’s journey unfolds as she embraces her console, discovering not only a world of virtual adventures but also a community of fellow gamers. Through late-night sessions, laughter, and determination, Suzy’s PlayStation becomes more than just a gaming device—it becomes a portal to courage, creativity, and camaraderie. The story weaves memories across time and space, celebrating the transformative power of imagination and connection.


Alice and Bob are playing a game with a fair six-sided die. Each of them takes turns rolling the die, starting with Alice. The first person to roll a 6 wins the game. What is the probability that Alice wins the game on her first roll?

To find the probability that Alice wins the game on her first roll, we need to consider the possible outcomes of her first roll. Since the die has six sides, each numbered from 1 to 6, the probability of rolling a 6 on any given roll is 1661.

Since Alice rolls first, the probability that she wins on her first roll is simply the probability of rolling a 6, which is 1661. Therefore, the probability that Alice wins the game on her first roll is 1661.


In the quiet cul-de-sac where Alex lived, anticipation hung thick in the air. His heart raced as he stood before the gleaming automobile—a sleek silver sedan with a hint of new-car scent. It was a gift from his parents, a reward for acing his exams and demonstrating unwavering determination.

The moment Alex slid into the driver’s seat, the world shifted. The engine purred to life, and the dashboard lights danced like constellations. His fingers grazed the steering wheel, and suddenly, he was no longer just a boy—he was a captain, charting unexplored territories.

The asphalt stretched out before him, an open canvas. Alex gripped the wheel, his foot hovering over the gas pedal. The engine roared, and he eased forward, the car responding with a gentle surge. Wind tousled his hair as he navigated the neighborhood streets, each turn a revelation.

Neighbors peeked from behind curtains, their curiosity piqued. Alex waved, feeling a newfound sense of belonging. The car became an extension of himself—a vessel for dreams, a conduit to freedom. He imagined road trips to distant lands, the hum of tires on highways, and the thrill of discovery.

As twilight painted the sky, Alex parked in his driveway, the engine settling into a contented hum. He stepped out, gazing at the car’s sleek lines. It wasn’t just a vehicle; it was possibility incarnate. Adventures awaited—mountain roads, coastal drives, and midnight escapades.

That night, Alex lay in bed, the car keys tucked under his pillow. He whispered promises to the moon, vowing to explore every nook and cranny. And as sleep claimed him, he dreamed of winding roads, sunsets through the windshield, and the intoxicating scent of gasoline.

For Alex, the new car wasn’t merely transportation; it was a ticket to a world where horizons stretched beyond the horizon. And so, with each turn of the key, he embarked on a journey—a boy and his car, hurtling toward the unknown.

The main idea of the passage is the transformative power of receiving a new car as a gift and the sense of freedom, adventure, and possibility it brings to the protagonist, Alex. The car symbolizes more than just transportation; it represents newfound independence and the opportunity to explore uncharted territories, both literally and metaphorically.


If I have 134 pizzaaz and i get 12 more pizzaaz how much do i have??

A. 145

B. 146

C. 147



In the bustling streets of downtown, Kile's anticipation was palpable as he clutched the sleek box containing his new phone. It was a long-awaited upgrade, a reward for his dedication and hard work. With trembling hands, he peeled away the plastic wrapping, revealing the glossy surface that promised endless possibilities.

As Kile powered on the device, a surge of excitement coursed through him. The screen lit up in a vibrant display of colors, beckoning him into a world of connectivity and innovation. With each swipe and tap, he felt a sense of empowerment, as if holding the keys to a digital kingdom in the palm of his hand.

With his new phone in tow, Kile embarked on a journey of exploration. From social media platforms to productivity apps, he delved into a myriad of functionalities, eager to unlock the full potential of his device. Every feature discovered felt like uncovering a hidden treasure, fueling his enthusiasm even further.

The camera, in particular, became Kile's favorite tool for capturing moments frozen in time. With each snap of the shutter, he immortalized memories with friends and family, transforming ordinary scenes into works of art. The world became his canvas, and his phone, the brush with which he painted his experiences.

The main idea of the passage about Kile and his new phone is the transformative impact of technology on his life, highlighting themes of empowerment, connectivity, and adaptability. The phone serves as a catalyst for Kile's exploration of digital realms, enhancing his productivity, creativity, and communication skills. It becomes not just a device, but an integral part of his daily life, facilitating connections with others and offering a gateway to a world of possibilities. 


Robert had 15 phones, he got 124 more.

How much does he have?



IKEA is a multinational conglomerate known for its ready-to-assemble furniture, home accessories, and kitchen appliances. Founded in Sweden in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad, IKEA has grown into one of the world's largest retailers of affordable, stylish furnishings, with stores in over 40 countries. Renowned for its flat-pack design and minimalist aesthetic, IKEA offers a wide range of products designed to maximize space and functionality while remaining accessible to a diverse customer base. With a commitment to sustainability and innovative design, IKEA continues to shape the global home furnishing industry and influence trends in interior design.



Gram had 4 chocolates from valentines day. He got 14 more, how much does he have now?