Literary Devices
Context Clues
Central Idea (Main Idea and Theme)
Author's Purpose
Re-read this sentence from the passage: I was the hired gunfighter. Back on the rez, I was a decent player, I guess. What literary device is this? How do you know?
Metaphor: He is comparing himself to a hired gunfighter because of his assets as a basketball player
Choose the answer that best completesthe sentence below. Before the expedition left her tribe, Sacagawea had to decide between staying with her people and finishing the expedition; _____________, she chose to continue traveling with Lewis and Clark. A. Instead B. Ultimately C. Therefore D. Above all
B. Ultimately
Why was it important that Sacagawea came from a nomadic tribe?
Nomadic means traveling, which means she came from a tribe that was good at traveling
Lewis and Clark needed help to explore the new, uncharted territory. What evidence from the passage supports this statement? A. “But to do so, the explorers need to deal with Native American tribes they did not know and who language they did not speak.” B. “To complete the job, Lewis and Clark relied on the language and negotiation skills of a Native American woman.” C. “Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery were charged with finding a route from the east through the enormous and uncharted terrain all the way west of the Pacific Ocean.” D. “They needed to pass over treacherous mountains and rivers that were unfamiliar to them.”
B. “To complete the job, Lewis and Clark relied on the language and negotiation skills of a Native American woman.”
Re-read this sentence from the passage: We’d expected this white guy to be original. But he was yet another white guy who showed up on the rez because he loved Indian people SOOOOOOOO much. Why did the author include the word “so” in this format? a. To emphasize how much the white man appreciated Indian people b. To describe how Junior said the word “so” c. To show how grateful Junior is to know that there are so many white people who care deeply about Indians d. To imply that Junior doesn’t think the white man really cares about Indians as much as he says he does
d. To imply that Junior doesn’t think the white man really cares about Indians as much as he says he does
Re-read this sentence from the passage: You see, you men and boys are like packs of wild dogs. The giant boy is the alpha male and you’re the new dog, so he pushed you around a bit to see how tough you are. Pg. 68 What literary device is this? What does this literary device mean?
Simile or metaphor: Junior’s grandmother is comparing Junior and Roger to wild dogs because they got into a fight over their new territory, the school
Read the following sentence from the text: “Lewis and Clark had journals filled with notes and maps, and precious samples of the plants and animals they had encountered in the new western territory of the United States.” As used in the passage, what does “encountered” most nearly mean? A. Came across B. Avoided C. Attacked D. Brought Along
A. Came across
What does the word “diary” tell you about the point of view from which the story is told? a. It is written in first-person. b. It is written in third-person limited. c. It is written in third-person omniscient. d. It is written in third-person, but we can’t determine if it is limited or omniscient.
a. It is written in first-person.
What is the passage mostly about? (Sacagawea) This passage is mostly about… A. The advantages of Native American nomadic culture B. The politics and history of the Lousiana Purchase C. How sacagawaea was taken from and eventually reuinted with her tribe D. How sacagawea helped Louis and Clark during their expedition.
D. How sacagawea helped Louis and Clark during their expedition.
200- What is the author’s purpose for including paragraph 3 in the Sacagawea article? a. To inform the reader that female Native Americans were often kidnapped and sold b. To introduce the female Native American who was a tremendous help to Lewis and Clark c. To imply that Lewis and Clark didn’t want her to join them on their expedition d. To explain how important Native American women were
b. To introduce the female Native American who was a tremendous help to Lewis and Clark
Re-read this sentence from the passage: Oh, God, he was a collector. Those guys made Indians feel like insects pinned to a display board. What did the author want to show through this simile? a. People who collect Indian artifacts make Indians feel inhuman. b. Indians appreciate people who collect Indian artifacts. c. Collectors are usually scientists. d. People who collect Indian artifacts make Indians feel important.
a. People who collect Indian artifacts make Indians feel inhuman.
Reread this sentence from the text: Opening a route to the west would increase trade opportunities with China, particularly for the lucrative fur business. What is the meaning of the word lucrative? a. expensive b. profitable c. unsuccessful d. useless
b. profitable
Why did Sacagawea decide to go with her husband rather than stay with her tribe?
I can infer that she went with her husband because she wanted her baby to be with the father.
What is the main idea of the book, The Absolutely True Diary of A Part Time Indian?
The book is mostly about a young Native American boy who struggles with his racial identity.
What is the author’s purpose for including paragraph 1 in the Sacagawea article? a. To inform the reader why Louis and Clark went on the mission b. To introduce the female Native American who was a tremendous help to Lewis and Clark c. To explain the importance of the Louisiana Purchase d. To provide important background information relevant to the passage
d. To provide important background information relevant to the passage
Re-read this sentence from the passage? They stared at me, the Indian boy with the black eye and the swollen nose, my going-away gifts from Rowdy. Those white kids couldn’t believe their eyes. They stared at me like I was Big Foot or a UFO. Pg.56 What literary device is this? How does this literary device impact the author’s tone in the passage?
Simile: Junior feels like an alien in his new school because no one is like him; It impacts the insecure tone, as it is showing how uncomfortable Junior feels.
Reread this sentence from the text: They needed to pass over treacherous mountains and rivers that were unfamiliar to them. What is the meaning of the word treacherous? a. challenging b. unfaithful c. disloyal d. false
a. challenging
Based on the novel, what is one character trait that you can infer about Junior? Use evidence from the text to explain your answer.
Several answers could count. Options: courageous, insecure, protective, etc.
Create a summary for the book, The Absolutely True Diary of A Part Time Indian? (Just pretend we are at the end of the book)
The book The Absolutely True Diary of A Part Time Indian is mostly about a young Native American boy who struggles with his racial identity. In the beginning, we hear about the ways he struggles in his life on the rez, where a lot of students beat him up. In the middle, Junior transfers to Reardon where struggles to make new friends that do not share his cultural background. In the end, Junior makes friends at his new school, yet continues to struggle with his new enemies on the reservation.
What is purpose of the lines below on page 180? Why is it important? I wanted to live up to expectations. I guess that’s what it comes down to. The power of expectations
These lines emphasize the ways in which the coaches expected more out of him compared to the people on the rez. This I important because it shows that Junior not only recognizes the changes to his confidence, but also contributes this success to the way his coach believed in him.
Re-read this sentence from the passage? I felt like two different people inside of one body. No, I felt like a magician slicing myself in half, with Junior living on the north side of the Spokane River and Arnold living on the south. Pg. 61 What literary device is this? How does this literary device impact the author’s tone in the passage?
Simile: Junior is struggling to fit in as an indian in a white school, thus he feels like he has to juggle being two different people. This affects the uncomfortable/frustrated tone because it is clear junior is uncomfortable about who he is.
Reread this sentence from the text: The trip over the Rocky Mountains was arduous. The mountains were cold and had no vegetation. What is the meaning of the word arduous? What is the CLUE (S) that told you this? a. tranquil b. relaxed c. grueling d. artic
c. grueling CLUES: "mountains were cold and had no vegetation."
Would Lewis and Clark’s expedition have likely been successful without the help of Sacagawea? Why or why not? Support your argument with evidence from the passage.
I do not think Lewis and Clark would have been successful without the help of Sacagawea. I think Sacagawea’s knowledge of the land and relationship with tribes, enabled her to be the irreplaceable. In the text it states, “And they might not have been able to do it without the guidance of Sacagawea.”
What is a message about family from The Absolutely True Diary of A Part Time Indian? Use 2 pieces of evidence from the text to support your theme.
A theme about family in The Absolutely True Diary of A Part Time Indian is always appreciate your family for the unique qualities they bring. One piece of evidence that supports this theme is the way Junior appreciates his father for what he provides him, despite the fact that it is not much due to his alcoholism. Another piece of evidence that supports this theme is how Junior appreciates his mother, despite what he identifies as her weaknesses.
What is purpose of the TV interview on page 187?
The TV interview emphasizes why Junior needs to play this game and how determined his is to win. We need to know this in order to understand how Juniors going into the game.