Point of View
Open Response

What is theme?

The lesson, message, or moral of the story. 


What does rupt mean?

to break 


What is a synonym for small?

answer vary but should be similar


I am so busy working. 

first person


What makes flamingos special? Give two reasons from the paragraph to support your answer. 

answers vary 


Why the Bat Flies at Night

Once upon a time, there was a war between the animals of the air and the animals of the land. The eagle would hunt and eat the rabbit. The owl was never safe from the fox.

The bat had wings like the flying animals, but it had teeth like the land animals. Unsure which side to join, the bat joined whichever side was winning. When the air animals were ahead, the bat fought along with the air animals. When the land animals won a battle, the bat joined them.

After many years, both sides decided to end the war. There was peace across the earth. But the animals could not forget what the bat had done. Both the air animals and the land animals felt tricked by the bat. They decided to drive the bat away.

And that is why the bat hides away during the day and goes out only at night.

People who are not true to their friends will end up with no one.


What does port mean?

to carry 


What is an antonym for loud?

answer vary but should be opposite


Thinking you made the wrong choice. 

second person


Why are bees important? Give three reasons from the text to support your answer. 

answers vary. 


The Lion and the Mouse

One day a lion was asleep in the jungle when a mouse ran over his leg. The lion woke up and trapped the mouse beneath his paw. He opened his large mouth and picked up the mouse.

"Oh, please don't eat me!" the mouse begged. "If you let me go, I will find a way to make it up to you someday."

The lion found this funny. How could a tiny mouse help the king of the jungle? But the lion agreed and let the mouse go.

A few months later, the lion was out roaming when he became caught in a hunter's net. Luckily, the same little mouse happened to walk by at that moment. She saw right away how she could help. She chewed through the net, freeing the lion from the trap.

"See?" said the mouse. "I was right." The lion was never happier to be wrong.

You don't have to be big and powerful to do important things.


What does graph mean?

to write or draw


What is main idea?

What the story is mostly about.


We listen to the birds tweet and sing. I love their songs. 

first person 


What makes Air Force One unique? Give two reasons to support you answer. 

answers vary 


The Tortoise and the Hare

There was once a hare who boasted about how quickly he could run. He was always teasing the tortoise because the tortoise moved so much slower.

"You say you are very quick," said the tortoise. "How about a race to prove it?"

The rabbit agreed, and the two set out at the same time. The hare was soon far ahead of the tortoise. "Surely I have enough time to rest by this rock," the hare thought. "That slow turtle will never catch up." So he rested and soon fell asleep.

The tortoise continued moving, slowly making his way to the finish line. The hare woke up with a start and began to run toward the finish line, but it was too late. He found the tortoise waiting there for him. The slow tortoise had beaten the speedy hare.

Hard work is more important than talent.


What does bio mean?



What does it mean when it is asking you the author's purpose for writing?

to explain or show why 


One Sunday evening John rode his bike to the park. He then found a squirrel playing. 

third person 


How have backpacks changed over the years? Give one reason to support your answer. 

answers vary 


The Heron

The heron, a proud, long-legged bird, walked to the river near his nest. It was nearly time for breakfast. He eyed the water. Today was his lucky day. There were so many fish swimming there! He would have his pick of food.

First, a school of little minnows swam by.

"Oh, a minnow just won't do," said the heron. "It's much too small."

Next, a perch swam past the heron.

"No!" he said. "A fish of that size isn't fit for a bird like me."

It got later, and the sun climbed higher in the sky. Soon most of the fish moved into deeper water. After a while, there were no more fish where the heron stood. By now he was very hungry. He could wait no longer to eat, but all he could find was a tiny snail.

If you are hard to please, you may end up with little or nothing.


What does phon mean?



Name the story elements

Characters, setting, plot, problem, climax, resolution

Jenna went to the store looking for bananas. I ran into her and decided to stop and help her look. She was found them next to the pineapples. 

first person 


How are drones changing the world? Give two reasons from the text to help support your answer. 

answers vary