WH questions
Practical questions

 Listening and Reading are considered as Productive Skills. True or False? Why?

   False. Reading and listening involve receiving information and so they are called the receptive skills. Speaking and writing are known as productive skills because they involve producing words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs.


Define the term «Reading»

 Reading is a process of relating written symbols to oral language, of constructing meaning from the oral text.


 What are the 3 main approaches that should be considered while teaching reading to young learners?

 In balancing an approach to reading, at least the following three approaches should be considered for young learners:


2.Whole language

3.Language experience


 This is an example of…

Controlled Activity


«Only visual learners benefit from reading». Is this statement true or false? Justify your answer.

False. Auditory learners will find phonics more appropriate, while visual learners will prefer the whole word or look-say approach.  


 Match reading approaches with their definitions

1. Monitoring                                                         


3. Predicting

4. Confirming

a.  students do while reading and after reading a text       

b. finding evidence of accurate prediction

c. determining whether one’s reading makes sense, and if not, re reading to understand

d.  finding clues to what might come next in the text (from the cover, title, picture, headings)   

 1.c    2. a      3. d       4. b


What are the stages of Writing Workshop?

1.Brainstorming and discussing


3.Peer reviewing and conferencing


5.Reviewing and Conferencing 




This is an example of…

Free activity.


 To be able to read, child has to:

  • understand the alphabet

  • decode

  • read texts of different level and interests       

  • develop sight vocabulary to read fluently (with automaticity)

The 3rd option is extra. Thus, it is False.


 Define the term «Phonemic Awareness»?

 Before focusing on letter-sound relationships through phonics, children need practice in discriminating English sounds- what is referred to as phonemic awareness. This involves, for example, separating the spoken word «big» into three distinct phonemes, /b/, /i/, /g/.


What types of clues are used in order to construct comprehension of the written texts?

1.Grapho-phonemic clues: referring to expected sound-symbol correspondences.

2.Semantic clues: referring to what words would be expected, based on the meaning thus far.

3.Syntactic clues: referring to the part of speech that would be expected in a given place in the sentence.

4.Pragmatic clues: referring to what would be expected given the purpose of the text.


List 4 phonemic awareness activities

1.Using traditional rhymes (Hickory, Dickory,Dock-The mouse ran up the clock).

2.Going on a Rhyme Hunt (Looking for the objects in class that rhymes).

3.Playing Match Mates (Giving picture cards to each child and then having the children find a picture that begins or ends with the same sounds or rhymes with the word they have.



«Writing is considered as the most neglected skill in EFL classes». Is this statement True or False? Justify your answer.

True. There are several reasons why writing is not more present in EFL classes: time, number of students, a mistaken notion that children cannot begin writing in English until they reach a significant level of proficiency in the language, or a belief that children must learn to read before they can read.


 Define the terms «product-based approach» and «process-based approach».

 A product-based approach, as the name implies, focuses on the final writing product, seeking to create as accurate text as possible.A product-based approach focuses on accuracy.

A process-based approach- one that focuses on the process of writing. It focuses on fluency.


What types of reading strategies are described in the book?

1.Predicting-finding clues what might come next in a text

2.Monitoring-determining whether one’s reading makes sense, and if not, re-reading to understand

3.Confirming-finding evidence of an accurate prediction

4.Connecting-making connections to prior readings

5.Questioning-asking questions about a text while reading

6.Skimming-reading to get the general topic or main points of a text

7.Scanning-reading to find specific information such as dates or names or answers to questions

8.Distinguishing-between important and less important information

9.Using context clues-looking at the context (the pictures, other words)

10.Paraphrasing or summarizing-while reading and after reading a text

11.Visualizing- forming images about what has been read


List 5 controlled writing activities.

1.Underlining stressed words as they are spoken.

2.Completing word puzzles with the words provided.

3.Filling in gaps with the words or sentences provided.

4.Copying words or sentences.

5.Counting the words in a sentence or clapping with each word.


When we read, we activate 4 types of knowledge. True or False? Why?

False. When we read, we activate 2 types of knowledge: what we know about making meaning (top-down processing) and what we know about language (bottom-up processing).


What does FAT-P stand for?

-Form-the type of text or genre-a letter, an email, a journal, a list, a story, or a poem.

-Audience-someone who will read the writing

-Topic-something to communicate 

-Purpose-a reason to write - to inform, entertain, remember, express feelings.


Who stated both visual and auditory learners benefit from reading?

James Asher


List 5 guided writing activities

1.Describing a picture with some vocabulary provided.

2.Creating a poem with model formats.

3.Writing from dictation.

4.Brainstorming words or the topic.

5.Completing word puzzles with clues.