What a Character!
Compare and Contrast
The Plot Thickens
Text Structure

What a Character?

How does Henry feel at the beginning of this story?Why?

Henry feels nervous as the raft gets closer to some river rapids. He has never paddled over rapids before.


Compare and Contrast Themes

Who is the antagonist(trouble maker) in each story?

The fox is the antagonist


The Plot Thickens

Which Character is the plot centered around?



Text Structure

Many pioneers built their first homes out of sod because-

A. the sod was held together by grass roots

B. each sod "brick" weighed about 50 pounds

C. there were very few trees on the prairie

D. holes could be left for doors and windows

Answer: C


" poor heart,

   torn out",   is an example of which Figurative Language

A. Simile

B. Imagery

C. Metaphor

D. Personification

Answer: D  Personification


What a Character!

Which characters' inner thoughts or feelings do you learn about from the story?

Henry, Gaby, and Corey


What problem does Fox have in each story? How does he solve each problem?

In the first story Fox is trapped in a well, so he lies to Goat in order to get out. In the second story, Fox wants the meat that Crow has in her beak, so he tricks her into giving it to him


The Plot Thickens

What can the reader Infer about Henry's role in the story? 

Henry's is an abolitionist(he helps slaves to get to freedom)


The walls of a sod house were very thick, so-

A. it was warm in winter and cool in summer

B. it protected pioneer families from the rain

C. the house was very expensive

D. dirt would sometimes crumble to the floor

Answer: A


Lines 30 through 63 are included in the poem to let the reader...

A. understand Rhyme Scheme

B. create Imagery

C. understand Figurative language

D. hear Onomatopoeia

Answer: B   create Imagery


What a Character!

From what point of view is the story told?

1st person or 3rd person? Explain your reasoning

3rd person


In what way are these two stories alike?

Each story presents the Fox as a character who tricks and takes advantage of the other characters.


The Plot Thickens

Describe the plot of the story.

Noah and his family are runaway slaves. They are trying to escape to freedom in Canada, but the authorities are chasing them. Henry Ward is trying to help them.


The houses were called "soddies" because -

A. water would drip from their roofs

B. they were soon replaced by frame houses

C. they were built by settlers

D. they were made from sod

Answer: D


What does the dream reveal to the reader?                                                                   A What the speaker would like to be doing rather than taking a math test

B How the speaker feels about some of the staff members at school 

C How slowly time seems to pass while the speaker is at school 

D What the speaker plans to do when he finishes his math test

Answer: A


What a Character!

How does Henry change at the end of the story? What do his feelings throughout the story tell you about his character?

Henry takes Corey's advice and seems to relax. He is fearful, but reassured by his friends.


What do you think is the theme of each story, and how are they similar?

Each story has a similar theme: people should not always trust what others say without thinking it through first.


Why do Noah and his family go to the home of Henry Ward?

Noah and his family know that Henry Ward has helped many slaves escape to freedom. He has special tunnel in his house where runaway slaves can hide.


How does the author organize the information in this selection? How do you know?

The author uses a cause and effect text structure.

Signal Words and phrases: such as , because and as a result,  explain how and why the early settlers on the prairie built sod house.


Which line indicates that the speaker does not think he is doing well on his test?

A. Which is a mess of numbers

B. The teacher frowned

C. This test could stop

D. All would freeze

Answer: A

Which is a mess of numbers.