What is an inference?
Prediction that uses prior knowledge and text evidence.
What is the main idea?
The most important thing the author wants you to know.
The 3 purposes an author will have are what?
Persuade, inform, entertain.
What is the setting?
Where the story happens.
What is the cause?
The cause makes something else happen.
A student forgets to do their homework. Make an inference about what would happen.
They will get a bad grade.
Whales are a species of mammal that lives in the ocean. Some whales can grow to be very large. The blue whale can grow to be 100ft long!
Whales are mammals that live in the ocean.
You should really buy air force 1 shoes. They are the best.
On a beautiful beach there once lived a pirate and his crew.
What is the setting?
The beach.
What is the effect?
Something that happens because of the cause.
Drake fell and broke his arm.
Make an inference about what will happen next.
He will have to go to the hospital.
Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun. It is full of water and is surrounded by an atmosphere that allows for life. Earth has millions of different kinds of life including people.
A tsunami is a large wave that will flood the land when it reaches shore. Some tsunami waves are over 30 feet tall.
The boy was climbing the tallest mountain all around. He climbed and climbed till he passed the clouds in the sky.
What is the setting?
The mountains.
Kie'andree didn't tie his shoes so he tripped and fell. What is the cause?
He didn't tie his shoes.
Shamron accidentally drank some spoiled milk in the fridge.
Make an inference about what will happen next.
He will feel sick.
The United States is a country that is over 200 years old. The United States was formed after the 13 colonies fought a war against Britain and won their independence in 1776.
The United States
I wandred lonely as a cloud,
wondering why the world seemed so loud.
Why peoples voices often shout,
But their words are always filled with doubt.
On a boat out in the sea, the fisherman cast his line and began waiting. He wanted to catch fish for his family so they could eat dinner tonight.
The sea.
Drake studied really hard and got an A on his test. What is the effect?
He got an A on his test.
The student did not get any sleep the night before their big test.
Make an inference about what will happen next.
They will not do good on their test.
Snakes are reptiles and do not have any legs. They are cold blooded, so they have to use the air around them to heat or cool their bodies. Snakes cannot survive if it's too cold or too hot.
"Look over there", she screamed.
In a rocket ship traveling through space, the astronaut saw the planets pass by his window like clouds passing through the sky back on Earth.
Jay'Bren played basketball for 4 hours yesterday. The next morning, his legs were sore and he did not want to get out of bed. What is the effect?
His legs were sore and he did not want to get out of bed.