smallest unit of sound
what is a phoneme?
Name one reading comprehension strategy you can teach
summarizing, story elements, sequencing, inferencing, comparing and contrastint, drawing conclusions, self-questioning etc
Dolch sight word list is always the best place to start
Writing is about
message making
camel and hammer
What is phoneme identity?
Before you begin reading you must
set the purpose
A good place to start with environmental print is always the students' name and signs
The three purposes of writing
act, meaning, mechanics
clapping syllables as an example.
What is phonological awareness
WH questions need to be explictly taught and students need to be taught HOW to answer them
Best instructional strategies for teaching sight words
response prompting, discrete trials,
The lesson plan for purposes of the act and the meaning of writing should consist of the mini lesson, conferences and
identifying the the grapheme m makes the sound /m/
What is phonics
How do you select a book to teach a reading comprehension strategy?
pick a book that is easy and demonstrates the reading comprehension strategy painfully easily
The best way to teach a word is to teach the word without the picture next to it
The best instructional strategies for teaching writing
modeling and think alouds
What is phonemic awareness
What is the best instructional strategy for teaching reading comprehension skills?
explict instruction and modeling.
What should you consider when selecting sight words
students language use, rate of information acquisition, students' environment, students listening comprehension, phonics skills
"Review high frequency lessons learned during a reading lesson" is a good objective for a writing lesson why or why not?
NOT! because it has nothing to do with writing