
“If you want something done, give it to a busy person.” Initially that advice sounds strange, but people with energy and ambition often get things done. Throughout time, it has been proven that people with ambition accomplish things that others thought were impossible. Whether a person wants to set a world record or rise to the top, ambition is the one quality that is most needed.

The value of ambition




- 100 pts 


I’m trying to curtail my coffee drinking by cutting down to just one cup a day.

Curtail means…

Curtail means… to reduce (to decrees).


 Autocratic leaders are hands-on leaders who keep strict control over group members and their activities. They ask few questions, make the decisions, give orders, and are likely to use coercion to make others carry out their assignments. Laissez-faire leaders are hands-off leaders who leave most of the decisions to the group and tend not to get involved. Democratic leaders encourage group participation in decision-making and problem solving. Their style falls between the other two extreme.

A) Democratic leaders are more effective than autocratic leaders.

B) There are three leadership styles.

C) Autocratic leaders are strict, laissez-faire leaders are hands-off leaders, and democratic leaders encourage group participation in decision-making.

D) Employees prefer to work with democratic leaders.

B) There are three leadership styles.


What do you get when you cross a robot and an astronaut? A Robonaut! Robonauts are robot helpers designed to work side-by-side with astronauts. Work on the first Robonaut began in 1997, and by 2002 Robonaut B was revealed to the public. Robonaut B featured interchangeable lower bodies, like four-wheel mode or hydraulic legs. Yet scientists and engineers continued to improve Robonaut. In February of 2010, Robonaut 2 was released to the public. Robonaut 2 moved four times faster than the first Robonaut. An advanced version of Robonaut 2 was finally tested in outer space in 2011. Robonaut 2 functioned exactly as designed.

Robonauts have improved over the years.


Highest Mountain in the World

  • Mt Everest

The lizard was so lethargic that I wasn’t sure if it was alive or dead. It didn’t even blink.

  Lethargic means…

  Lethargic means… inactive.


Are Americans today waiting longer to get married? According to 2003 Census Bureau figures, the answer is yes. The Associated Press reports that one-third of men are still single when they reach age 34 and that nearly one-quarter of women are still single at that age. Compared with data for 1970, these figures are four times higher. In 1970, the percent of never-married men aged 30-34 was 9 percent; the rate has risen to 33 percent. The percent of never-married women increased from 6 percent to 23 percent. The typical marriage age for men in 2003 was 27.1 years, up from 25.3 in 1970. The typical age for women rose from 20.8 to 23.2.

A) Are Americans today waiting longer to get married?

B) Men marry at a later age than women do.

C) Americans today are waiting longer to get married.

D) More men than women are still single at age 34.

C) Americans today are waiting longer to get married.


Automation is the use of machines to reduce the need for human labor. In other words automation is when jobs done by people become jobs done by robots. Automation can be a good thing. Clothing, cars, and other manufactured products are available at good prices and in large supply because of automation. But automation can also be a bad thing. Because of automation there are over 700,000 robots in America that do jobs once performed by humans. The way of automation may not be best for humanity, but it is the course we are taking.

Automation is both good and bad for humanity.



  • + 300 pts.

Around the age of two or three, small children like to badger their parents with endless questions beginning why the word “why.”

Badger means…

Badger means… nag ( to harass, to bother).


Topic: results of a survey about teens and money

A recent survey revealed some shocking results. One in five teens does not know that if you take out a loan, you must pay interest in addition to repaying the loan. One teen in four has the mistaken notion that financial aid will take care of all their college expenses. And one teen in three thinks that Social Security payments will provide all the money they need when they retire.

A) A recent survey revealed some shocking results: one in five teens does not know that if you take out a loan, you must pay interest in addition to repaying the loan.

B) Teenagers do not know anything about money matters.

C) A recent survey revealed some shocking results about how little understanding teens have about money matters.

D) One teen in four has the mistaken notion that financial aid will take care of all their college expenses. And one teen in three thinks that Social Security payments will provide all the money they need when they retire.

C) A recent survey revealed some shocking results about how little understanding teens have about money matters.


Children dream of the day when they will be grown up. They will no longer have bedtimes, bathtimes, curfews, or any other restrictions. They believe that being an experienced adult will truly give them freedom. Then they grow up. They are saddled by bills, responsibilities, sleepiness, and an overwhelming urge for more vacations. Now they long for the days they could roam free all summer without a care in the world. Innocence has always battled with experience. Taking one view, author William Wordsworth believed that innocence was the highest state and could not see past the golden curls of youth, whereas author Charlotte Smith believed that maturity offered the most to humanity through wisdom.

Innocence has always battled with experience.


Biggest US State by population  



Because the professor’s explanation was nebulous, several of the students asked him to make himself clear.

Nebulous means…

Nebulous means… vague (imprecise, unclear).


Novels and short stories are types of fiction. Drama is another example. Fairy tales and fables are also fiction. It is a type of narrative writing that comes from the imagination of the author rather than from history or fact

A) There are many types of literature.

B) Novels, short stories, drama, fairy tales and fables are types of fiction.

C) Fiction is a type of narrative writing that comes from the imagination of the author rather than from history or fact.

D) Novels and short stories are types of fiction.

C) Fiction is a type of narrative writing that comes from the imagination of the author rather than from history or fact.


The idea that women are not equal to men has been a prevailing, common theme in literature since the beginning of time. Like their predecessors, Renaissance writers staunchly laid down the tenet that women were less valuable throughout the pages of effusive literary writings, where women are alternately idolized as virtuous or shunned as harlots. One man proved to be a glaring contradiction to this falsity. That man was William Shakespeare and he had the courage in those turbulent days to recognize the value and equality of women. His portrayal of women differed than that of many of his contemporaries during the Renaissance era.

Although most Renaissance writers propagated the belief that women were not equal with men, Shakespeare's writings portrayed women as men's equals



- 500pts :-(


Nepotism in the white house has traditionally been frond upon, since the hiring of ones brothers, sisters, children, or in-laws by the president is thought to interfere with the fair and unbiased decision-making.   

Nepotism means…

Nepotism means…favoritism to relatives


Topic: how far it is to the Sun (distance to the sun)

How far is it to the Sun? It's so far that it's hard to comprehend. In actual distance, it's approximately 93 million miles. The distance changes slightly as the Earth travels around the Sun. Suppose it were possible to take a jetliner there. Traveling at a little over 550 mph, it would take nearly 20 years to get there. Even if you could travel at 25,000 mph, it would take five months to reach the Sun.

A) How far is it to the sun?

B) It's so far to the Sun that it's hard to comprehend.

C) In actual distance, it's approximately 93 million miles to the Sun.

D) It takes a long time to get to the Sun, no matter how you travel.

B) It's so far to the Sun that it's hard to comprehend.