What genre is a a made-up story in which all the details sound like real life?

realistic fiction


What is the author's purpose for writing this passage?

A boy brought home his report card from school. His dad looked it over. His face became red as he said, "How did you manage to make one D and five F's?" The boy answered,"I guess I concentrated too hard on one subject."



The long hike up to the top of the mountain was extremely grueling. What does grueling mean?



What is the theme of The Wizard of Oz

A. Kansas is boring.

B. There's no place like home.

C. Somewhere over the rainbow...

D. Wear red shoes to protect yourself.

There's no place like home.


The shelves were piled high with boxes of every size and shape. Each group had a different picture and different bright colors. There were so many people – men and women, mothers with little children, teenagers putting more boxes on the shelves. Some of the people were talking together as they chose the boxes and cans that they wanted. Jeff was having a hard time remembering which one to buy. He knew that Tooli wouldn’t be happy if he brought home the wrong brand! He also knew that Tooli was probably getting very hungry! Where was Jeff?

grocery store


What genre is a text which gives facts and true details about a real topic?

informational text or non-fiction


What is the author's purpose for writing this passage?

Recess should be 30 minutes instead of 15 minutes because you get a longer time to talk to your friends about all sorts of stuff. You also get a longer time to play the activities you're playing. We kids would get more exercise from being outside for a longer time. The teachers would get a longer break from teaching us and we would get a longer break from all that learning. That is why I think we should have a longer recess.



The conspicuous man wore a purple wig and large sunglasses. What does conspicuous mean?

 easily noticed


Star Wars saga A. Always carry a light saber. B. Learn how to defend yourself. C. Good wins out over evil. D. The future is cool.

 good wins out over evil


Jeff filled up a big bowl with fresh, cold water and set it on the floor. He brought out a big comforter and put it on the floor next to the low window. He opened a package, took out a big bone and placed it on the floor next to the comforter. Then he opened the window so that the gentle breeze could blow into the room. What was Jeff doing?

 getting a place ready for a dog


What genre is a story in which impossible things happen; often includes magic, incredible creatures, or a conflict of good versus evil?



What is the author's purpose for writing this passage?

Tigers are solitary animals and usually hunt at night. A male tiger will have a large range that will overlap with the ranges of several females. Females give birth to two or three cubs, which they raise and train for about two years. Tigers kill a variety of animals, including deer, antelope, wild pigs, and cattle. Tigers try to remain out of sight and hearing of their enemies, especially humans; they prefer fleeing to fighting. They can be killed by wild dogs, elephants, and water buffalos. Man-eating tigers are usually individuals who are too old or sick to capture wild animals.



I was so parched that I drank an entire glass of water in one gulp. What does parched mean? 

very thirsty


What is the theme of Beauty and the Beast

A. Don't go in dark, mysterious castles.

B. Some people are pretty, but some aren't.

C. Don't look in the mirror too often.

D. Don't judge people by how they look.

don't judge people by how they look


Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Tooli’s neck. He stormed out the door with Tooli coming right behind. He said, “Hurry up, Tooli. You’re always so slow.” Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road, not speaking to anyone that he saw. How does Jeff probably feel?

He feels angry


What genre is a made up story that is made up but includes a time and place setting from real history?

 historical fiction


What is the author's purpose for writing this passage? 

William is a strong and bossy boy. His athletic body is very tall and almost higher by one head than his classmates. He has dark and tough skin that looks muscular and is often wet and sweaty. Actually, he looks like a wrestler. Since he fights with several kids without any help and won finally, he has become an idol of his classmates and has a bunch of followers. Because of the power, William is arrogant and domineering. For example, when his thundering boasts rise in the boiling class, everybody keeps quiet and listens carefully. William is easily mad and jealous if someone disagrees with him.



The delightful aroma of food cooking in the kitchen made my mouth water. What does aroma mean? 



What is the theme of Spongebob Squarepants ?

A. Sponges can wear pants.

B. Be happy with the simple things in life.

C. Life under the sea is interesting.

D. Cartoons don't have to make sense.

 be happy with the simple things in life

Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. What is the MOST LIKELY conclusion you can draw about Lisa? A. She is helpful. B. She is afraid of bugs. C. She is very curious. D. She likes to play soccer.
What is she is very curious?

What genre is an account of a real person's life, usually a person who is well-known or famous, written by someone else?



What is the author's purpose for writing this passage?

In Tarpon Springs, Florida, there are people who work underwater. These people are called sponge divers. The kind of treasure they look for is called sponges. Sponge diving is not an easy job. The diver has to breathe under the water, and be careful of extreme water pressure.



Marcia is a novice soccer player. It is her first day of practice. What does novice mean?



What is the theme of Little Red Riding Hood

A. Never talk to strangers.

B. Don't walk in the woods alone.

C. Visit your grandmother.

D. Hoods have always been fashionable.

never talk to strangers

Lauren looked at her watch, grabbed her books and ran to the bus stop. When she got to the bus stop, she realized she forgot her lunch. Lauren ran back to the house and grabbed her lunchbox. When Lauren got back to the bus stop, she realized she missed the bus. What word would best describes Lauren? A. playful B. disorganized C. worried D. athletic
What is disorganized?