Main Idea & Details
Sequencing Events
Fact or Opinion
Inference & Conclusions
Unknown Words

A main idea is

What a text is mostly about


Mom set her phone down on the table and went upstairs to get something. Calvin picked up the phone and tapped numbers. He wanted to call mom. "Mom! Mom!" he said to the phone, but she did not answer. "Why doesn't she answer her phone?" Calvin wondered.


Mom set her phone down


An opinion

statement of belief, attitude, value, judgment, or feeling


Paulina took her homework and a pencil out of her backpack. This probably means:

Paulina is going out to play.

Paulina is going to do her homwork.

Paulina is going to do her homework.


As hard as I pushed the giant rock, it would not budge at all. 

1. move or shift

2. dig into the earth

1. move or shift



Support the main idea by telling how, what, when, where, why, how much, or how many


Mom set her phone down on the table and went upstairs to get something. Calvin picked up the phone and tapped numbers. He wanted to call mom. "Mom! Mom!" he said to the phone, but she did not answer. "Why doesn't she answer her phone?" Calvin wondered.


Calvin picked up the phone


A fact

can be verified by evidence and is true.


Laura sat down beside her friend Allie and opened her lunchbox. This is because:

Laura is going to draw a picture.

Laura is going to eat lunch.

Laura is going to take a nap.

Laura is going to eat lunch.


The INDUSTRIOUS ants never stopped working to move food to their nest, even as heavy raindrops began to fall from above.

1. wet/damp

2. hardworking

2. hardworking


Main Idea Sentence:

1. His apron is green.

2. The boy is making cookies.

3. Next, he adds chocolate chips.

2. The boy is making cookies.


Mom set her phone down on the table and went upstairs to get something. Calvin picked up the phone and tapped numbers. He wanted to call mom. "Mom! Mom!" he said to the phone, but she did not answer. "Why doesn't she answer her phone?" Calvin wondered.


Calvin tried to call Mom


Which one is a fact?

The bed and dresser are in Jessa's new room.

Jessa's new room is nice.

The bed and dresser are in Jessa's new room.


Inferences are

ideas/predictions drawn from evidence and reasoning


The immense sequoia trees towered above us as we hiked along the forest trail. 

1. a dark shade of green 

2. very large or great

3. sweet smelling, like incense 

4. unique or unusual

2. very large or great



1. The boy is with his grandmother.

2. They are walking.

3. His grandmother has a cane.

2. They are walking.

3. His grandmother has a cane.


Mom set her phone down on the table and went upstairs to get something. Calvin picked up the phone and tapped numbers. He wanted to call mom. "Mom! Mom!" he said to the phone, but she did not answer. "Why doesn't she answer her phone?" Calvin wondered.


Calvin wondered why she did not answer


Which is an opinion?

Marsha's cat is named Pistachio.

Marsha's cat is the best cat in Ohio.

Marsha's cat is the best cat in Ohio.


Lulu’s sister was a fantastic artist. One day, Lulu walked into her sister’s room to find her crying. There were bright red, blue, yellow, and green puddles of liquid all over the floor.

What caused Lulu's sister to cry?

She spilled her paint.


During soccer games, Katie tries to ALTERNATE the direction she kicks the ball to confuse her opponents.

1. roll or glide

2. turn

3. run quickly

4. go back and forth

4. go back and forth




Sentence that "wraps up" or ends the paragraph. It restates the main idea or topic.


Put the events in order:

1. Troy put his dog's dish on the floor and called, "Rex! Here, boy! Dinner!"

2. Troy opened the bag of dog food and took out the scoop.

3. Troy took his dog's dish and food out of the cabinet.

4. Troy put two scoops of dog food into his dog's dish.

4, 2, 1, 3


Write a fact and an opinion

Answers will vary


Sarita was excited to get out of the car. She had been waiting for today for weeks and it was finally here. She skipped as she went up the walkway to the house, and her mom opened the door. Suddenly, everyone shouted, “Surprise!” 

Why was Sarita so excited?

It was her birthday.


Luca felt incredible JUBILATION as he entered the gates of Disney World for the first time.

A feeling of great happiness