Compare & Contrast
Main Idea & Details
Point of View

These words are used to show this:

alike, similar, same

What is compare?


This is the big picture in a paragraph or a story

What is main idea?


The moral or lesson in a story

What is theme?


Let's make an inference:

John was scrambling for his book bag and shoes. He had to run out the house with his shoes in his hand. He heard a bus coming down the street.

What is John was running late for his bus?


This lets you know who is telling the story.

What is point of view?


Identify what is being done in this paragraph:

Bob and Dylan are so much alike. They both love playing baseball. On Sundays, they meet up with each other to practice. They are on the same baseball team in their school.

What is comparing?


These are used to add support to the big idea of a piece of writing.

What are supporting details?


True or false: A story can have more than one theme.

What is true?


True or false:

An inference is NOT directly stated in the text.

What is true?


This point of view uses I, me, we, and us.

What is first-person?


These words are used to show this: differences, however, on the contrary, etc.

What is contrast?


Identify the main idea:

"Books are a great source of knowledge and entertainment. They can transport us to different worlds, teach us new things, and inspire our imagination. Reading is a wonderful activity that can enrich our lives."

What is "books are a great source of knowledge and entertainment"?


George and Brent were brothers, but you would never know it. They did not really get along. George loved sports, and Brent loved to read. They were complete opposites., but the one thing they had in common was they were both failing a subject. George was failing reading and Brent was failing Math. Their mom would not be happy. They decided to help each other in their failing subjects. By the time the report card came home, they were both passing reading and math. 

Identify the theme.

What is "two heads are better than one"?


When he got home, Pete took off his muddy boots and left them on the front steps; he would clean them off later. He went directly into the bathroom and took off his dirty overalls, changing into clean jeans and a shirt. He'd spent a long day in the fields. Identify his job.

What is a farmer?


This point of view peers into the minds and hearts of all characters.

What is third person omniscient?


We can compare and contrast these two things.

What are characters and events?


Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer. Soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball. They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score. Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates. 

Identify a supporting detail to the main idea.

What is "soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball"?

What is "they also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score"?

What is "soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates"?


Matt was always mean to the other younger kids on the school bus. He would make fun of them and put sticky stuff in their seat. He was the oldest and “coolest” kid on the bus. After this year, Matt would be going to high school. He would not have to ride with these little “rug rats” anymore. The summer had passed and Matt was headed to high school. He was a little nervous getting on the bus. When he walked on, he could feel the older kids laughing at him. When he got into his seat there was chocolate sauce smeared all over his seat. Identify the theme.

What is treat others how you would like to be treated?


Every morning, Mr. Anthony gets up early and puts on his uniform.  He makes sure his badge is on straight. He walks out to his driveway where his car, with the large lights on its roof, is waiting. He gets into his car and drives to the station. Identify his job.

What is a police officer?


Identify the point of view: Once you have the cake in the oven, start to make the whipped cream frosting. Combine whipping cream, powdered sugar, and food color in a small mixer bowl. Make sure you add just a small amount of food color.

What is second person?


Identify what is being done in this paragraph:

Mary, Sue, and Ellen are sisters. Mary lives in New England, Sue lives in California, and Ellen lives in North Dakota. Mary is the oldest and loves travelling and spending time with family. Sue is the youngest and loves to party and spend time with her friends. Ellen is the middle child who loves to work and stay home by herself.

What is contrasting?


Identify the main idea:

Dolphins may look like fish, but they are actually mammals. These intelligent creatures breathe with their lungs and must come to the surface for air. Dolphins are also warm blooded creatures like humans. Dolphin mothers feed their babies milk and care for them until they are able to care for themselves. Like other mammals, dolphins have hair, even though it's just a tiny bit next to their blowhole. Dolphins are interesting creatures.

What is dolphins are mammals?


Math Drama

In math class, Mr. Carico handed the students their graded tests. Nicole showed her friend Maura the score she had gotten. It was bad. Maura, on the other hand, had gotten an A.

On the bus ride home, Nicole and Maura were talking about the math homework for that night. "I just don't get this stuff," Nicole said. "I guess I'll bomb the next test, too."

"Look, let's do the math homework together. I can help you," said Maura.

Nicole shook her head. "No, I'll figure it out."

Maura shrugged. "Okay," she said.

That evening, Maura called Nicole. "I'm bored. What are you up to?" Maura asked.

Nicole had been struggling with the math homework but didn't want to say so. Clearly, Maura had already finished. "Just getting ready for bed. I'm beat," Nicole lied.

"It's not even nine!"

Nicole bristled. "Well I'm tired, okay? It's not my fault you're bored."

Maura was silent for a moment. Then she quietly said she had to go. Nicole hung up, too, and grabbed her pencil again. But the longer she stared at her worksheet, the more the problems looked like a jumble of meaningless symbols. She took a deep breath and reached for her phone.

"Yeah?" Maura answered.

Nicole told her the truth. "I'm sorry I was a jerk earlier. I was in a bad mood because I was stuck on the homework. I guess I was feeling resentful that you finished already."

Maura said she understood.

"Do you think . . . would you still be willing to help me?" Nicole asked meekly.

"Of course," Maura said. "Like I said, I'm bored. I need something to do."

On the next math test, Nicole got an A.

The theme of this passage is- Don't let pride keep you from asking for help.

Identify the line that supports this theme.

What is "Nicole had been struggling with the math homework but didn't want to say so"?


Michael has clothes all over the floor of his bedroom. Underneath the clothes on his floor is a pizza box with crusts in it. Underneath the pizza box is bunch of pieces of a board game that Michael played and didn't put away. Michael sat on his unmade bed with his shoes on and played video games all night. Identify the character's trait.

What is lazy?


In this point of view, you get to know the thoughts and feelings of one character.

What is third person limited?