Context Clues
Making Inferences in Poetry
Text Structure/Making Inferences
Inferences\Main Idea
Summarizing/context clues/Inferences

The prefix dis- in the word disappear means

A. not to hide

B. to keep appearing

C. not to be seen

D. to be seen

C. not to be seen


Lights line the city streets, crossing from building to building like strings around my heart that tug and pull at my memories.

Why does the poet use descriptive language in these lines?

A. To persuade the reader to spend time looking at city lights.

B. To persuade the reader to buy lights 

C. To emphasize emotions the speaker feels when seeing the lights

D. To illustrate the speaker's confusion with lights

C. To emphasize emotions the speaker feels when seeing the lights


Some Indian tribes lived where there was plenty of food. These Indians stayed in one place and used mud, stone, wood, and clay to build homes that would last. Other Indians moved often to search for food. They needed shelter that they could take with them, so they built tipis. It was easy to move tipis.

What happened as a result of the tribes who lived near food and resources?

A. They built shelter out of tipis that were easy to move.

B. They moved often in search of more food.

C. They settled in one place and built lasting homes.

D. They used sleds that horses pulled.

C. They settled in one place and built lasting homes.


Which sentence suggest that "rock art" remains a mystery to people?

A. In 1984 explorers found important rock art in France. 

B. Some are made of designs that people carved into rocks long ago.

C. The artist used shading in some paintings to make them look more like real life.

D. They come up with many ideas about reasons, but they cannot explain for sure. The reasons are hidden.

D. They come up with many ideas about reasons, but they cannot explain for sure. The reasons are hidden.


In Kelly's science class Mr. Alfred asked who was going to tell Kelly about what they learned for the day. Many kids raised their hands- even Peter S. That surprised Kelly because Peter had pulled her hair when they were in first grade. Since then she thought he didn't like her.

Why was Kelly surprised by Peter's attitude?

A. Peter had always been a friend to her

B. Kelly thought Peter would give her the wrong information

C. Kelly thought Peter would keep the information

D. Kelly's experience with Peter in the past had been negative.

D. Kelly's experience with Peter in the past had been negative.


Some Indians made rope from the sinew of animals. Sinew is the stretchy band of tissue that connects the bone and muscle.

Which phrase helps the reader know what the word "sinew" means?

A. tissue that connects the bone and muscle

B. Indians made rope from sinew

C. plants made of soil

D. sharp objects used to cut meat

A. tissue that connects the bone and muscle


Sometimes the lights fade and flicker, a candle in the wind

The imagery in this line helps the reader understand that the speaker's-

A. memories are not always clear in his mind

B. past is like being by the sea

C. memories are always present in his mind

D. candles are burning in the wind

A. memories are not always clear in his mind


Under which section would you most likely find information about useful materials like wood, bones, and stones?

A. The section titled "Tying Things Up"

B. The section titled "Tool Time"

C. The section titled "Shelter and Clothing"

D. The introduction paragraph

B. The section titled "Tool Time"


                   "All by the Moon"

1 "Does anyone ever notice me?" wondered Kelly as she looked out of her window at the moon. She had never been pictured in the newspaper. She never starred in a school play. She never even won a trophy. Her dad said she was special, but that's what dads are supposed to say. Her best friend, Ashley, liked her. Other kids at school were nice to her.

2. Still, she often felt as if she were not even there. " Just once, I wish something exciting would happen to me," she thought as the moon slid away into the night.

In paragraph 2, Kelly wishes something exciting would happen to her at least once to show that she-

A. knew sitting in the back of class was fun

B. asked her friend Ashley to play with her during recess

C. wanted an amazing experience to feel valued

J. wanted an award for completing her homework

C. wanted an amazing experience to feel valued


What would be the most likely reason for Amy sitting alone during recess?

A. She wanted to see who would win the basketball game.

B. She missed her friend Kelly playing with her at recess.

C. She felt sad because everyone knew she was invisible.

D. She wanted to touch Kelly on the sleeve but she wouldn't feel it.

B. She missed her friend Kelly playing with her at recess.


Artists long ago used various objects to make art.

Which definition best fits the word artist in the sentence?

A. people who work in entertainment

B. people who show skill in dance

C. people with a talent of creating

D. people who show talent in music

C. people with a talent of creating


"City Street Lights"

1 Lights line the city streets,

2 crossing from building to building

3 like strings around my heart

4 that tug and pull at my memories.

5 They gather all my thoughts together

6 trips to the zoo, taxis across town

7 elevators going to the highest floor.

 Lines 5-7 of the poem are important because they-

A. describe the setting

B. introduce the speaker's problem

C. compare street lights to skyscraper lights

D. highlight the speaker's memories in the city

D. highlight the speaker's memories in the city


                "Living off the Earth"

Think about a life that is quite different from yours. Imagine if there were no houses or places for us to live in. What would you do? How would you feel?

The way Indians lived could give you some answers.

"Shelters and Clothes"

Some Indians lived where there was plenty of food. These Indians stayed in one place and built homes that were lasting. Other Indians had to search for food. They needed shelter that they could move, so they built tipis.

"Tool Time"

Where there were trees, people used the wood to create things. They used stone, bones, and other material for making tools.

The author wrote this selection mainly to-

A. describe how tools were made in the past

B. share information about how Indians built tipis

C. reveal why Indians moved frequently

D. explain to the reader how Indians lived off the land

D. explain to the reader how Indians lived off the land


3 The next morning Kelly stumbled groggily downstairs for breakfast. Her dad had a bowl of cereal waiting for her. She munched on it lazily, and then she noticed that her spoon was floating in midair. Kelly screamed and dropped her spoon. It fell on the table and splattered milk.

4 "You're invisible today, Kelly," said her father calmly, He kept reading the newspaper. "Tomorrow, everything will go back to normal. No one will remember any of this-not even you." Kelly picked up the toaster from the table and tried to see herself in it, but she didn't.

The interaction between Kelly and her father in paragraphs 3-4 suggest that-

A. Kelly and her father joked about the spoonful of cereal that she spilled

B. her father created a magical moment to teach Kelly a lesson 

C. Kelly and her father argue about her going to school

D. Her father gives her a toaster in which she can see her reflection

B. her father created a magical moment to teach Kelly a lesson


Kelly's science teacher asked the children who would be in charge of telling Kelly what they had learned that day because he-

A. wants Kelly to become Peter's friend

B. doesn't want Kelly to fall behind in class

C. cared about Kelly getting better so she could come back

D. wanted someone to remind her to read about the moon

B. doesn't want Kelly to fall behind in class


Animals survival depends on their ability to access food and water.

Sur- + vivere, means "to live on". This information helps the reader to know that the word "survival" means

A. the state of not surviving

B. remaining alive

C. risking one's life

D. a person who wants to survive

B. remaining alive


8 I close my eyes and hold 

9 these memories tight, blinking,

10 twinkling, dazzling

11 with unexpected delight.

12 Some burn soft and steady 

13 like distant images 

14 shimmering in the light

These lines emphasize that some memories-

A. burn and disappear in the night

B. grow darker as the time rolls on

C. occur repeatedly and are able to be seen in a distance

D. are unpredictable and hardly ever seen in the day

C. occur repeatedly and are able to be seen in a distance


Which sentence best shows why Indians lived in tipis?

A. This was a sled that a horse pulled.

B. They needed shelters that they could take with them.

C. The Navajo people wove wool into blankets and rugs.

D. Indians needed tools in order to build shelters, to make clothing, and to grow, hunt and prepare food.

B. They needed shelters that they could take with them.


5 The horn for the school bus beeped. Confused, Kelly ran down to the bus stop. Kelly got in line behind the other kids and squeezed on the bus. She tried not to brush against anyone and found a seat. She turned and saw the empty spot where she normally sat next to Ashley. She wanted to say hi to her, but knew she couldn't. 

6 At school Kelly stood by her teacher while she took attendance. When her name was called someone asked where she was, and someone else said maybe she is sick. Several kids said "oh" and looked worried. For a couple of seconds Kelly felt like a star.

Why does the author include the sentence-

"For a couple of seconds Kelly felt like a star"

to show that Kelly-

A. felt smarter and more popular in her class for once

B. often felt like she was hardly even there since she never won anything

C. didn't feel invisible for a moment because she noticed everyone was worried about her

D. almost laughed out loud 

C. didn't feel invisible for a moment because she noticed everyone was worried about her


What is the best summary?

A. Kelly wondered why no one took into account that she was absent. The next morning, Kelly had breakfast and her dad said she would be invisible for a day.

B. Kelly felt like she barely existed. Her father told her that she would be invisible and everything would return to normal the next day. During this time, Kelly realizes how important she is to others.

B. Kelly felt like she barely existed. Her father told her that she would be invisible and everything would return to normal the next day. During this time, Kelly realizes how important she is to others.


The giraffes were nicely carved in the wood.

The word "carved" in this sentence means

A. to drink water from a glass

B. to serve food on a dish

C. to hide from the world

D. to form from a solid material

D. to form from a solid material


What was the message about memories in the lines from the poem?

A. Memories are to be cherished because they come and go.

B. Memories are full of street lights to dazzle us.

C. The city is a place where we can go for hours

D. The lights always shine and change colors

A. Memories are to be cherished because they come and go.


4 Some Indians made clothes and shoes called "moccasins" from animal skins. Other Indians made clothing from cotton they wove into yarn. Indians needed tools in order to make clothes, prepare food, and build shelter.

Paragraph 4 is important because it provides information about how Indians-

A. invented the use of a travois (type of sledge)

B. weaved blankets and rugs of wool

C. grew different types of cotton

D. used different materials to make clothes

D. used different materials to make clothes


What is the main message of the story about Kelly?

A. People who want to be noticed must be popular.

B. People are special because of how they treat others.

C. People who feel invisible have not kept their promises.

D. People who do not give up are able to be successful.

B. People are special because of how they treat others.


The next morning Kelly stumbled groggily downstairs for breakfast.

What does the word "groggily" mean in the sentence?

A. running excitedly

B. taking a quick breath

C. Stomping loudly

D. in a confused way from lack of sleep

D. in a confused way from lack of sleep