Context Clues
Multiple Meaning Words

I have a fondness for chocolate cake; it is so delicious that I could eat it after every meal!



What does the word fondness mean? 

A. to hate 

B. to be allergic to

C. to love

D. to put inside


Jazz knew she had to make this shot. The whole game depended on her. She dribbled the ball and threw it. She closed her eyes and hoped she made it!



What game is Jazz playing? 

Is the score of the game close?

How does Jazz feel? 




My science teacher likes to bark at my class any time she is angry or upset.

Which meaning BEST matches the way the word bark is used in the sentence? 

A. a sound made by an animal 

B. to make a barking sound 

C. to make a command in an aggressive manner 


I wanted to act cool, but I couldn’t help but gawk when I saw Drake walk past me on the street. I almost got hit by a man on a bicycle! 



What does the word gawk mean?

A. avoid

B. stare

C. hide

D. laugh


All of the girls giggled while they painted their toenails. Next they would tell scary stories and eat popcorn before going to sleep.



Why are the girls together?

How do the girls feel? 


We waited until night time to light the campfire. 

From the clues in the sentence, what does the word light mean? 

A. bright

B. to start a flame

C. not too heavy 


The legs on the coffee table were very sturdy. My dad and uncle were able to stand on top of it to fix the ceiling fan. 



What does the word sturdy mean?

A. dirty

B. strong

C. clean

D. short


Dad began tapping his fingers on the table. His stomach growled and he looked at his watch. Mom fiddled with her straw and eyed the food at the other table. The kids began to whine.



Why is dad looking at his watch?

What are they waiting for? 

Where are they?




Maya made cherry punch for her birthday party. We drank it all very quickly! 

From the clues in the sentence, what does the word punch mean? 

A. to hit someone or something with your fist.

B. a drink made by mixing fruit juices.

C. a metal tool used for making holes.                      

Meaning 4: to make a hole in something.


Whenever I get sick, I try to recuperate by staying in bed, drinking hot tea, and eating nothing but chicken noodle soup.



What does the word recuperate mean? 


As the boys sat outside the principal’s office, with torn shirts and muddy faces, they knew they were in trouble. Fighting was strictly against the rules. They would be so embarrassed to call their parents and tell them what they had done.



What would they have to tell their parents?

Why were the boys dirty? 

Why are the boys at the office?




We couldn’t find anywhere to park at Six Flags.

What does the word park mean in the sentence? 

A. an area of land with trees, benches, and sometimes playgrounds.

B. an area of land set aside by the government.

C. to leave a car in a space or lot.


When I first found our cat on the side of the road, she was extremely scrawny. However, now that she has been eating two meals a day, she looks plump and healthy!



What does the word scrawny mean? 


As soon as Kayla saw the menu, she knew exactly what she wanted to drink. When her steaming cup came, she tasted a spoonful of the whipped cream from the top before taking a small sip of her yummy, sweet drink.



Where is Kayla? 

What is in Kayla's cup? 

Is Kayla's drink hot or cold? 


Adelle Turner is very close to my house.

What does the word close mean in the sentence? 

A. to shut something              

B. to end something

C. near                                 

D. almost even