Main Idea

You walk into a room and this is what you see: blood on the floor, an empty birdcage, and a happily purring cat. You put the clues together and conclude that the cat ate the bird. You've just made an inference, or an informed conclusion. When reading, we also use clues to make inferences. By reading between the lines, we can discover meaning that's not directly stated by the author. 

a) Troy enjoys public speaking

b) Troy is nervous

c) Troy is an Actor

b) Troy is nervous.

Stuttering, blushing and shaking are things people do when they are nervous


Carrie heard footsteps behind her. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She began to quicken her pace, hoping that whoever was following her wouldn't notice, but at last she gave in to a run.

a) Carrie is late.

b) Carrie is cold.

c) Carrie is frightened.


c) Carrie is frightened.


What is the main idea of this passage?

Adults tend to eat a lot of fast food, and that’s often not a healthy choice. For instance, a typical fast-food bacon cheeseburger with all the trimmings has 790 calories with 39 grams of fat, and a large order of fries has 380 calories and 18 grams of fat. Add a soda, and one meal adds up to more than 1,100 calories.

Pick One: 

a) 1,100 calories is a lot.

b) Fast food is not always healthy.

c) Adults eat a lot of fast food. 

b) Fast food is not always healthy.


The sun was low in the sky. Kay's body ached. Blisters had formed on her hands. She set the rake down on the big pile of leaves and headed for home. 

a) Kay had worked a long time

b) Kay had been feeling sick

c) Kay dislikes raking leaves.

Kay had worked a long time


Ben slammed down the phone. Why did Steve always have to be right? Why didn't he ever listen? 

a) Ben and Steve had an argument.

b) Ben regrets speaking rudely.

c) Steve is never wrong. 

a) Ben and Steve had an argument.

There are plenty of clues in those three short sentences.


Parents who have parents to help with childcare are lucky. But the two generations may have very different ways of thinking about the proper way to raise a child. These differences can lead to tension, stress, and family fights.

Which is the main idea?

Pick One: 

a) There are generational differences when it comes to childcare.

b) Parents are lucky to have help with childcare.

c) Generational differences often lead to fights. 

a) There are generational differences when it comes to childcare.


As usual, Jim left for school ten minutes later than he should have. His shoelaces were untied and his backpack was unzipped. He had traveled only one block when he heard his mother shout his name. He looked back and saw her waving his brown bag lunch. 

a) Jim is disorganized and forgetful.

b) Jim is in the 4th grade

c) Jim takes the bus to school

a) Jim is disorganized and forgetful.


By the time Amy arrived at the café, Juan was drinking his third cup of coffee. "I'm so sorry," she called out when she saw him and gestured to her naked wrist where her watch used to be. 

a) Juan is patient.

b) Amy is late.

c) Juan loves coffee. 

b) Amy is late.

She seems to have lost her watch.


The traditional household with a stay-at-home mom and working dad has become the exception rather than the rule. Increasingly, Americans are waiting longer to marry and have children, and many are not marrying at all.

Which is the main idea?

Pick One

a) A traditional household has a stay-at-home mom.

b) Americans are waiting longer to marry.

c) The traditional household is no longer the norm.

c) The traditional household is no longer the norm.


Rubin made a mental checklist: Do laundry. Go to supermarket and get groceries. Clean house. Fix hallway light. Change the bed sheets in guest room. Wrap presents. His parents were coming in the morning and he didn't know how he would get everything done. 

a) Rubin is stressed.

b) Rubin is forgetful.

c) Rubin’s parents are strict. 

a) Rubin is stressed.

Rubin has so much left to do and not much time to do it.


"This is my last cigarette," Hal said for the millionth time. 

a) Hal just started smoking.

b) Hal likes smoking.

c) Hal has tried to quit smoking before.

c) Hal has tried to quit smoking before. 

Hal hasn't tried to quit a million times, but he's probably tried so many times it feels like a million!


For a growing number of kids, an active lifestyle is the exception rather than the rule. The attractions of television, computers, and video games keep children spending far more time sitting at home than running around in the great outdoors.

Which is the main idea?

Pick One

a) Children love video games.

b) Children are less active than they used to be.

c) An active lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle. 

b) Children are less active than they used to be.


"You don't know what you're missing," Susan shouted into the phone over the loud music of the party.

"Nah, I'm too tired," Tim said.

"Well, suit yourself, but you'll be sorry," Susan replied.

a) Susan wants an apology.

b) Tim is sorry.

c) Susan wants Tim to come to the party.

c) Susan wants Tim to come to the party. 


Joyce straightened the tablecloth and turned the crystal vase so that it caught the light of the setting sun. She placed two wine glasses on the table, dimmed the lights and lit the candles. Dinner was in the oven. All that was left to do was wait. She checked her hair in the mirror one last time and sat down on the couch. 

a) Joyce is in love.

b) Someone special is coming to dinner.

c) Joyce is a talented cook. 

b) Someone special is coming to dinner.

Joyce has prepared a special dinner and she wants everything to be perfect.


The cold, probably the most common illness known, has no safe or effective cure. Colds are produced by viruses, in particular a group of viruses called rhinoviruses. Because colds can be caused by different types of viruses, it’s nearly impossible for scientists to find one remedy that kills them all.

Which is the main idea?

Pick One

a) The cold is a common illness.

b) There is no cure for a cold.

c) Colds are caused by rhinoviruses. 

b) There is no cure for a cold.

Perhaps some day there will be a cure for the common cold, but for now, we'll just have to make do with plenty of rest and fluids.