Main Idea
Facts Vs. Opinion
Text Structure
Narrative Point of View
Figurative Language

What is the main idea?

When people think of Antarctica, they think of snow and ice. When they think of deserts, they think of sun, heat, and sand. Yet in spite of its cold temperatures, Antarctica is actually a desert. In fact, it is the largest desert on the planet. A desert is a very dry environment that receives less than ten inches of precipitation yearly. On average, Antarctica gets less than two inches. Most of that precipitation is in the form of snow, but rain or ice can sometimes fall as well. 

 a.  Most precipitation in Antarctica is in the form of snow, though it can also get rain or ice. 

b.  Even though Antarctica is cold and has snow, it is a desert.

What is:  b.  Even though Antarctica is cold and has snow, it is a desert?


Which sentence states a fact? 

a.  Trumpets are better instruments than flutes. 

b.  The modern trumpet is an instrument made from brass.

What is: b.  The modern trumpet is an instrument made from brass?


Read the text: What makes you sneeze? 

Sometimes when dirt or dust enters your nose, it tickles your nose and throat. This causes a release of histamines, a type of chemical. The histamines bother special cells in your nose. The cells send signals to your brain, and as a result your brain tells your body to sneeze. Since a sneeze lets out a fast blast of air, it sends the dirt or dust out of your nose. Gesundheit!

Which text structure does the text use?

a.  Descriptive

b.  Cause and Effect

What is:   b.  Cause and Effect?


What is the point of view of this passage?

 I am going to go to my grandmother's house today.  I am so excited!   Gram said we are going to make chocolate chip cookies.  She is the best!

 a.  first person

 b.  second person 

c.  third person

What is:  a.  first person?


Which sentence is a simile?

 a.  His voice is as deep as a foghorn. 

b.  His voice is a foghorn.

What is:  a.  His voice is as deep as a foghorn?


What is the main idea?

Recycling things like paper, plastic, and metal helps the earth by cutting down on trash. Yet many people throw away their newspapers, bottles, and cans instead of recycling them. The question, then, is how to encourage more people to recycle. One way that works is to put recycling containers in more places. Seeing more recycling bins helps people remember to use them. Another way is to teach people why recycling is important. If we make recycling easier and teach people why it matters, more people will join in. 

a.  We need to get more people to recycle so that we stop throwing out so much trash.

 b.  We can get more people to recycle by putting out more bins and teaching people about why recycling matters.

What is:  b.  We can get more people to recycle by putting out more bins and teaching people about why recycling matters?


Which statement is an opinion?

a.  Environmental groups should do more to protect wildlife.

b.  The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water on Earth.  

What is:  a.  Environmental groups should do more to protect wildlife?


Read the text. 

In the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, two runners showed true Olympic spirit. It started when New Zealand runner Nikki Hamblin fell during a race. Next, American runner Abbey D'Agostino tripped over Hamblin and also fell. When D'Agostino got up, Hamblin was still down on the track. D'Agostino helped Hamblin up. The runners continued, but D'Agostino had badly hurt her knee. She stopped. Then, Hamblin helped D'Agostino, encouraging her to finish. Later, they received a special Olympic award for showing the spirit of the games. 

Which text structure does the text use? 

a.  sequential

 b.  descriptive

What is:  a.  sequential?


Which point of view does the narrator use in the passage? 

She glanced back toward the road. It was as if another step would bring the ordinary world completely to an end and this would be Wonderland. Even the sights and sounds didn't match here. Near her a bucket hung against a tree, and she distinctly heard a sound of drip—drip—drip. From Virginia Sorensen, Miracles on Maple Hill. Copyright 1956 by Virginia Sorensen 

a.  first person 

b.  second person 

c.  third person

What is:  c.  third person?


Which sentence is a metaphor? 

a.  The tired boy was a slow turtle getting dressed. b.  The tired boy was as slow as a turtle.

What is:  a.  The tired boy was a slow turtle getting dressed?


What is the main idea?

During the American Civil War, soldiers were supposed to be at least eighteen years old. Because of the great need for soldiers, however, both sides accepted younger people. Thousands of boys between thirteen and seventeen fought for the North and the South. Even boys as young as ten could be drummers or messengers. Drummers used different drum rolls to send messages on the battlefield. Messengers were fast runners who passed messages between officers. In fact, so many boys served in the Civil War that it became known as "The Boys' War." 

 a.  The North and the South allowed boys to fight because they needed soldiers so badly.

 b.  Ten-year-old boys served as messengers or drummers during the Civil War.

What is:  a.  The North and the South allowed boys to fight because they needed soldiers so badly?


Is the statement a fact or opinion? 

The United States should let more people from other places into the country.

What is:   Opinion?


Read the text.

 A tropical rain forest is a particular type of forest. It's a tall, thick jungle located in a hot region with plenty of rain. Rain forests are home to many different life forms. Indeed, as many as thirty million different kinds of plants and animals live in rain forests. Among these are the plants that produce chocolate and rubber. Also, many plants used in medicines grow in rain forests. 

Which text structure does the text use?

 a.  descriptive

 b.  problem-solution

What is:   a.  descriptive?


What is the narrative point of view? 

"He is just what a young man ought to be," said she, "sensible, good humoured, lively; and I never saw such happy manners!—so much ease, with such perfect good breeding!" - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice 

a.  first person

 b.  second person 

c.  third person

What is:  c.  third person?


John's paintings are good, but they can't hold a candle to paintings in a museum.  What does "can't hold a candle to" mean in the sentence?

a.  to do too much and overwork

b.  not as good as

c.  needs more light

What is:  b.  not as good as?


What is the main idea?

 In the water cycle, water travels around the planet in a repeating set of steps. Water from the surface of the earth goes into the air. For example, when the ocean is heated by the sun, some of the water evaporates. In other words, it turns into water vapor, a gas. The water vapor then rises into the sky. When water vapor starts to condense, or change to liquid water, clouds form. Next, when the clouds are full of water, tiny drops form. The drops fall to earth as rain or snow. Over time, the water will evaporate again, continuing the cycle. 

a.  Water moves around the earth in a series of steps known as the water cycle. 

b.  The water cycle takes place all around us all the time.

What is:   a.  Water moves around the earth in a series of steps known as the water cycle?


Fact or Opinion?

 Polar bears, seals and walruses are able to survive in Arctic habitats.

What is:  Fact?


Read the text. 

For hikers who get lost in the woods, a compass can save lives. A compass is a simple tool made of a small case holding a floating needle, or pointer. The pointer has a magnet on the end that points to Earth's northern magnetic pole. Looking at the compass, lost hikers can see which direction is north. Knowing which way is north helps them figure out the other directions and find their way to safety. 

Which text structure does the text use? 

a.  problem-solution 

b.  sequential

What is:  a.  problem-solution?


What is the narrative point of view?

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” - George Orwell, 1984

a.  first person

b.  second person

c.  third person

What is:  c.  third person?


What is the meaning of the phrase "jump the gun"?

What is:   to take action too soon?


What is the main idea?

Found in southwestern Asia near Israel and Jordan, the Dead Sea isn't a sea at all. It is a salty lake, and it is much saltier than the ocean. In fact, the Dead Sea is so salty that no animals or plants can live in it. When fish are carried from the Jordan River into the Dead Sea, they die immediately. Plants along the shores of the lake are scarce. Only plants that have adapted to very salty dirt can grow there. The Dead Sea certainly does live up to its name! 

 a.  The Dead Sea is too salty to support plant or animal life.

 b.  The Dead Sea is really a very salty lake.

What is:   a.  The Dead Sea is too salty to support plant or animal life?


Fact, Opinion or Both?

Serena Williams was four years old when she started to learn tennis lessons.  Four years old is too young to start learning tennis.

What is: The first sentence is a fact and the second sentence is an opinion?

 Yes, tricky!  But worth 500 points!


Read the text. 

Millipedes and centipedes are not the same. Yes, they're both long worm-like bugs. They have many legs and bodies with many sections, or segments. But there are important differences between these two creatures. Centipedes have two legs per body segment. Millipedes, instead, have four legs per segment on most of their bodies. Millipedes move slowly, while centipedes run quickly. The millipedes' antennae are shorter than centipedes'. Perhaps most important to remember is that centipedes, unlike millipedes, are predators and can bite! 

Which text structure does the text use? 

a.  compare-contrast 

b.  cause-effect

What is:   a.  compare-contrast?


What is the narrative point of view? 

To make lemonade, you add the juice of lemons to water and sugar. You need to prepare a wall before applying primer. When getting rid of a drain clog, first turn off the water. To calculate the area of a room, multiply the width by the length. You should use masking tape to hold a window pane in place before applying glazing compounds. To add oil to your car engine, unscrew the cap, place a funnel inside, and slowly add the oil. 

a. first person 

b. second person 

c.  third person

What is:  b. second person?


In Greek mythology, Hercules is known for his amazing strength.   What does the phrase a "Herculean effort" mean?

What is: giving all of one's effort and strength to do a task?