Main Idea
Explicit Information
Many animals lay eggs. Robin’s eggs are blue like the sky. Butterfly eggs are tiny and round. Penguin’s eggs sit on cold rocks. Frog eggs float on a pond. What is the main idea of this passage? a.) Many animals lay eggs. b.) Butterfly eggs are tiny and round. c.) Frog eggs float on a pond.
a.) Many animals lay eggs.
Ashley hated going on roller coasters because she was afraid of heights. When her class went on a trip to Six Flags, she was so nervous. Her friends and teachers were all going on the big rides. Ashley decided to ride on the coaster even though she was scared. She had a blast! What is the theme of this passage? a.) Face your fears. b.) Hard work pays off. c.) It’s important to be responsible.
a.) Face your fears.
When things are different where do we write them in the diagram?
On the sides.
My cat is my best friend. He likes to eat and sleep. He has white, fluffy hair. Mittens is very playful. I love my cat Mittens. What does Mittens look like?
Mittens is white and fluffy.
Cause: My shoelace was untied, so… a.) I put my jacket on. b.) I tripped and fell. c.) I went to the bathroom.
b.) I tripped and fell.
Police officers wear different uniforms. Many police uniforms are dark blue. But in some countries, uniforms are tan or green. What is the main idea of this passage? a.) Police officers wear different uniforms. b.) Police officers keep us safe. c.) Many police uniforms are dark blue.
a.) Police officers wear different uniforms.
Sam got a new iPod for her birthday. One day, she went to the park with her friends. One of her friends asked her to race, so she left the iPod on a bench and started running. When she came back, the iPod was gone. What is the theme of this passage? a.) Hard work pays off. b.) Treat others with respect. c.) It is important to be responsible.
c.) It is important to be responsible.
When things are similar where do we write them in the diagram?
In the middle.
Rachel wants to visit Disneyland. She is a very good student. Her dream is to meet a princess. If she does well in school, her parents will take her one day! Rachel dreams of meeting __________.
Rachel dreams of meeting a princess.
Cause: I forgot my homework, so… a.) I got a sticker. b.) My teacher gave me tickets. c.) I lost my recess.
c.) I lost my recess.
Trucks do important work. Dump trucks carry away sand and rocks. Cement trucks deliver cement to workers who are making sidewalks. Fire trucks carry water hoses and firefighters. What is the main idea of this passage? a.) Fire trucks carry water hoses and firefighters. b.) Trucks do important work. c.) Trucks are awesome.
b.) Trucks do important work.
Sarah was trying really hard by she wasn’t understanding the math lessons. She wanted to give up, but her teacher told her she had to keep trying. After a few weeks of working extra hard, she finally understood and got a 100% on her assessment! What is the theme of this passage? a.) Treat others with respect. b.) Never give up. c.) Money is power.
b.) Never give up.
What type of diagram issued for comparing and contrasting.
A Venn diagram.
Sasha likes the park. She likes to plant trees. She also likes to go down the slide. The park is beautiful. Sasha thinks the park is ___________.
Sasha thinks the park is beautiful.
Effect: I wore my sunglasses because… a.) It was a sunny day. b.) It was a rainy day. c.) It was snowing out.
a.) It was a sunny day.
What is the definition of supporting details?
Supporting details are details that support the main idea.
What kind of stories have themes? a.) fiction b.) fairy tales c.) fables
c.) fables
What is the definition of contrast?
Contrast is how things are different.
Jimmy is 8 years old. He likes to play baseball. He is a hard worker. When he grows up, he wants to be an astronaut. What does Jimmy want to be when he grows up?
Jimmy wants to be an astronaut.
What is the definition of cause?
Cause is why something happens.
What is the definition of main idea?
Main idea is what the story is mostly about.
What is the definition of theme?
Theme is what the author is trying to teach us.
What is the definition of compare?
Compare is how things are similar.
What is the definition of explicit information?
Information that is right there in the text.
What is the definition of effect?
Effect is what happens because of the cause.