Name the three different types of reading comprehension questions.
1. "Right there"
2. "Think and search"
3. "Author and me"
Where did the main character live?
Right there
What should you do before reading the text?
Preview the questions.
Johnny is reading an article and does not know many of the bolded words. He just skips over them they probably don't matter. Why is this a problem?
Bolded words are essential words and important to the meaning of the text.
What type of question can answers be found directly in the text?
"Right there" questions.
What are three accomplishments of the main character?
Think and search
What should you do when you come across an important fact or detail that will help you answer the question?
Underline or highlight the information.
Susie is asked to read an article and answer questions. As soon as the teacher passes out the papers she begins reading the article quickly. What important step did she forget?
Preview the questions.
What type of questions can be found in the text but you may need to look in multiple places?
"Think and search" questions
Why do you think the author...?
Author and me
Name one way you can determine an unknown word.
1. Use context clues
2. Look it up or ask a friend.
The question reads "In what year did Crocs become a business?" Kelly remembers reading this in the article she thinks that it was 2005, one of the answers was 2006 so she picks that one. What did she do wrong? What should she have done?
That is a "right there" question. She guessed. She should have went back into the article and found the answer.
What type of questions do you need to connect information outside of the reading to answer?
"Author and me" questions.
What is the main idea?
Think and search
Before reading a text what is a question that you may ask yourself?
What do I already know about this topic? What do I want to know about this topic?
George is given an article and 10 comprehension questions to complete. He decides that is easier to read the questions and then just search for the answers using key words. There is no need to read the whole thing. What did he do wrong?
He did not read the whole article.
What is an example of a "Right there" question.
What was the most surprising part of the book?
Author and me
When you don't understand a part of the text what is something that you should do to remember to come back to that part?
Mark that section with a question mark.
Sarah is reading an article in class. She begins reading right away without even reading the title. She grabs her highlighter and begins to highlight anything that "looks" important. Half her page is yellow. When she gets to the end she realizes that she wasn't really paying attention to the meaning. She figures that it doesn't really matter and goes to the questions. She answers the questions in 5 minutes without ever going back to the article. She then sits at her desk for the remainder of the class waiting for everyone else to finish. Name all the things Sarah did wrong.