Main Idea
Fact or Opinion
Context Clues
Cause and Effect
Someone took a cookie from the cookie jar. The lid was off the jar. Crumbs were on the table. Who ate a cookie? Mrs. Baker will find out!
Someone stole a cookie.
The prices on these toys are way too high for anyone to afford.
Birds that migrate, such as some ducks and geese, leave their home in the winter. Using the example clue, the word migrate in this sentence means
A - swimming B - flying C - to move
James' mother was as proud as a peacock when he became a doctor. The simile as proud as a peacock:
A - James' mother was upset. B - James' mother was disappointed. C - James' mother was proud of him
Cinderella and Snow White aren't the only fairy tales ever told. The library has ethnic fairy tales from all around the world! There you can find fairy tales from other countries such as Russia, China, Sweden, and Africa. You won't believe all the different stories!
The library has ethnic fairy tales from all around the world.
Eyelashes act as protection for your eyes.
John liked to go on expeditions such as ski trips, rock climbing, and mountain climbing. Using the example clue, the word expeditions in this sentence means
A - trips B - heights C - classes D - jobs
On the cold winter day, under the covers, I kept as snug as a bug in a rug. The simile as snug as a bug in a rug:
A - There were bugs in my bed. B - I was cozy in my bed. C - I was too cold to stay in bed.
Ann used her chalk to draw lines on the sidewalk. She marked them into blocks. Then she put numbers in the blocks. Jan and Jill came to play. The three girls played hopscotch on the sidewalk.
The three girls played hopscotch on the sidewalk.
It would be more fun to be a bird than a fish.
We know Katrina is apprehensive about many things because she is so afraid of petting large animals, seeing spiders on the wall, ad walking through the tall grass. Using the example clue, the word apprehensive in this sentence means
A - thin B - hopeful C - fearful D - likeable
Walter is a real couch potato. The metaphor couch potato:
A - Walter is always busy with some activity. B - Walter is lazy. C - Walter likes to go outside and play.
Polar bears live in the Arctic. That is the area around the North Pole. They live in the coast and on islands. They also live on pack ice and in the water. Pack ice is their favorite place to live. That is because it is the perfect location for their favorite activity. It is the perfect place to hunt seals.
Polar bears live in the Arctic.
Green Eggs and Ham was well-written by Dr. Seuss.
Julie bought a gift for her mom at a cart in the mall. The kiosk sells special chocolate candies. Using the example clue, the word kiosk in this sentence means
A - car B - cart C - office D - department
Sean created a recipe for disaster in the actions he took. The metaphor recipe for disaster:
A - Sean made a terrible recipe for dinner. B - Sean's actions could cause a major problem. C - Sean was the class clown.
I can't wait until Saturday. We are going to a party. It is a family reunion. I have a big family. So, there will be a lot of people there. My grandparents will be there. Four aunts and uncles will be there, too. I have twelve cousins and ten can make it. We will have a ball playing while the adults eat. There is always great food. Everyone brings something to share.
We are going to a party. It is a family reunion.
Your body weighs six times less on the moon than on earth.
Some people feel perplexed by brain teasers, while others figure them out quickly. Using the comparison clue, the word perplexed in this sentence means
A - troubled or confused B - at ease C - calm D - relaxed
Jasmine is always behind us because she is as slow as molasses. The simile slow as molasses:
A - Jasmine has molasses on her shoes. B - Jasmine has a bottle of molasses weighing her down. C - Jasmine walks very slowly.