Main Idea
Context clues

Bob sat staring at the TV in his bedroom. There were books and clothes everywhere.  He heard his mom coming up the stairs.  “Oh no!” he cried as he tried to clean his room before his mom walked in.

Bob's mom was upset that he had not cleaned his room yet.


I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When \ When I say, 'Dance, Boots', he will stand up on two legs and walk. I don't know of many dogs that can do such amazing tricks

Boots is smart and can do many tricks.


 A letter came in the mail for Michelle. Michelle’s mother showed it to her and told her she was very disappointed. “Think about the other people who are waiting for that book. You must return it immediately.”

Michelle recieved a letter from the library because she had not returned her book yet.


On the way to her room after just having been grounded, Tammy murmured something under her breath.



I forgot to bring my wallet to the movie theater.

The person is not going to be able to buy their ticket or see the movie unless they go home to get their wallet.


Spots was a large grey and white cat. Spots lived in a barn on a farm. Spots liked living in the barn. It was warm in the winter and cool in the summer. There were many mice for Spots to chase. Best of all, Spots had a soft place to sleep in the corner of the barn. 

The barn was a good place for spots to live.


Tyler heard loud sirens and watched as a bright red engine sped down the street in front of his house. In the distance, he could see smoke rising into the sky.

There is a fire on Tyler's street.


The cat scuttled quickly around the room without lying down at all.



 Charles let his dog, Roscoe, into the house. Roscoe ran over to his food bowl and wildly began to wag his tail.  

Roscoe is hungry.


Meerkats in Africa live in large groups of 20 to 50 members. The group works together to survive. All members of the group care for the baby meerkats. They take turns babysitting and will protect the young ones from danger. Members of the group also take turns watching out for threats from other animals while the group finds food. If any dangerous animal comes towards the group, the meerkat will bark a warning

Meerkats live in groups to help each other. They protect each other.


 Dylan was surprised when he saw Jason come into the classroom with a cast on his arm. He had seen Jason fall off his bike the day before, but he didn’t realize the injury was so serious.

Jason fell off his bike and broke his arm.


The lanky dog never got fat even though he ate a lot.



The teacher told the children to clear everything but a pencil from their desks. She then began handing out tests. Thomas look startled. “Wait! Ms. Smith? The test is today? Are you sure? I thought it was tomorrow!”

Thomas did not study for the test.


James and his sister, Anna, went to the carnival on Saturday. They rode the merry-go-round, the roller coaster and the Ferris wheel. James ate popcorn and a hot dog. Anna drank lemonade and ate an apple. They saw many exciting shows. They were tired when they went home.

James and Anna did a lot of activities at the carnival.


Carly and her mom watched the large van truck drive away slowly. Then, they walked through the empty rooms of the house one last time before getting into the car and leaving.

Carly and her mom are moving.

I meandered through the woods taking my time exploring.



 Lauren sat in the lobby of her apartment building watching people come in from the street. Almost everyone who came in was carrying an umbrella. Those who weren’t, she observed, had wet hair and soaking wet coats.

It raining outside.


The rain began early in the morning. It fell as hard drops, morning.  Thunder began as a soft Thunder began as a soft rumble and became louder rumble and became louder and louder. Lightning crashed and louder. Lightning crashed every few minutes, making the sky a brilliant white. 

There was a Thuderstorm. The storm was very strong.


Tracy looked around the classroom but didn’t see her friend Melissa anywhere. “Hmmm...” she thought. “Melissa was coughing a lot yesterday and said she had a sore throat.”

Melissa is sick and stayed home.


Jackie was mortified after her puppy ripped her friend’s brand new sweater.

embarrassed or humiliated