Nonfiction Text Features
Making Inferences
Main Idea
This is used to tell you what the book is about.It is located on the front cover.
What is "The title."
Fred pounded on the keyboard and clicked the mouse. "Why won't this thing work?" he said angrily. Finally, he gave up and stomped off. What was Fred trying to get to work?
What is "a computer."
Jay was in a pie eating contest. He wanted to win. The winner would be the person who could eat the most pie in twenty minutes. The winner would get a prize. After twenty minutes, no one had eaten as many pies as Jay. Make a prediction about what will happen in the contest.
What is "Jay will win the contest and get a prize"?
There are many different kinds of bears in the world. Black bears live in North America. Grizzly bears also live in North America. They are very dangerous. The white Polar bear lives in the Arctic. The biggest bear is the Kodiak bear that is found in Alaska. What is the main idea of this text passage? A. Bears live in North America. B. Bears are dangerous. C. There are many kinds of bears.
What is "There are many kinds of bears."
The girl decided she wanted to bake cookies for her party. She looked in her cabinet and saw that she needed some sugar to bake the cookies. So, she went to the store to buy sugar. Summarize these events.
What is "The girl wanted to bake cookies, but she was out of sugar, so she had to go to the store."
This is where you find the definitions of bold words.
What is "The glossary."
Anna carried her doll wherever she went. It was dirty and was missing its left ear, but she didn't care. No other doll could replace this one. How does Anna feel about her doll?
What is "Anna loves her doll." or What is "It is her favorite."
Julie and her mother went shopping. First, they went to the bank. Inside the bank there was a large box where money was kept. Julie's mother told Julie not to touch the box or an alarm would go off. Julie touched the box by mistake. Make a prediction about what will happen.
What is "An alarm will go off"?
Bats are fascinating animals. They are not birds, they are flying mammals. Some bats eat fruit, others eat insects. Bats are experts at flying. They use a system called echolocation to fly quickly in the dark. Which is the main idea of this text passage? A. Bats are flying mammals. B. Bats are fascinating animals. C. Some bats eat fruit.
What is "Bats are fascinating animals."
When nobody answered the door, Goldilocks went inside the house. Goldilocks fell asleep in Baby Bear's bed. Goldilocks ate Baby Bear's porridge. Goldilocks was playing in the woods when she saw a cute little house. Summarize these events in order using transition words.
What is "First, Goldilocks was playing in the woods when she saw a cute little house. Next, when nobody answered the door, Goldilocks went inside the house. Then, Goldilocks ate Baby Bear's porridge. Finally, Goldilocks fell asleep in Baby Bear's bed."
This is located within the paragraphs and makes important words stand out.
What is "a bold word."
The teacher glared a the kids and smacked her ruler on the desk. The kids stopped and looked up, worry and shame coming over them. What do you think the kids were doing?
What is "They were not following directions." "They were talking."
Tami loved biking. She had biked in all kinds of weather. She had been planning this bike trip for weeks. Today was going to be great. She woke up early and looked out the window. It was raining! Make a prediction about whether or not Tami will go on her bike trip today.
What is "Tami will go on her bike trip even though it is raining"?
A blizzard is a weather event that occurs most often during the wintertime. Blizzards occur when there are very low temperatures, high winds, and a severe snowstorm. Often, schools are closed during blizzards and it can be very dangerous to travel. Blizzards are major snow events! What is the main idea of this text passage? A. Blizzards cause schools to be closed. B. Blizzards happen in Winter. C. Blizzards are major snow events.
What is "Blizzards are major snow events."
The family decided to go to Six Flags on Sunday. Emily was very excited! David, her brother, wanted Emily to ride the roller coaster with him, but she was very afraid. Finally, Emily got enough courage to get on and enjoyed the ride. Summarize these events in order using transition words.
What is "First, the family went to Six Flags. Then, David wanted Emily to ride a roller coaster. Next, Emily was afraid to get on. Finally, Emily rode the roller coaster and enjoyed it."
This is located under photographs and explains what the picture is about.
What is "a caption."
Jane knew she had to make this shot. The whole game depended on her. She dribbled the ball and threw it. She closed her eyes and hoped she made it! What game is the girl playing?
What is "Basketball."
The teacher assigned two chapters of reading on Monday night. There would be a test on Tuesday about the two chapters. John left his book in his desk by mistake when he left school. Make a prediction about how well John will do on the test.
What is "John will not do well on his test."
Our solar system is very large. It includes the eight planets that turn around the sun. These planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. There are also hundreds of thousands of smaller planets in this system. They are called asteroids. Each asteroid is much smaller than any of the eight large planets. What is the main idea of this text passage? A. Our solar system is made up of the Sun, the nine large planets and many asteroids. B. Pluto used to be a planet but now is a dwarf planet. C. There are eight large planets in our solar system.
What is "Our solar system is made up of the Sun, the nine large planets and many asteroids."
Check over your writing to make sure you have capitals and punctuation. Include supporting details. Organize your ideas. Write a topic sentence. Summarize these events in order using transition words.
What is "First, organize your ideas. Next, write a topic sentence. Then, include supporting details. Finally, check over your writing to make sure you have capitals and punctuation."
This is located at the beginning of a paragraph and introduces the paragraph and tells what the paragraph is about.
What is "a heading."
Sophia threw on mismatched socks and forgot to brush her teeth. She ran out the door just in time to see the bus drive by. What can you infer?
What is "Sophia is late for school."
David practiced every day for the big soccer game. He was becoming the best player on the team. His team was losing by one goal. With seconds left in the game David kicked the ball towards the goal. Make a prediction about what is going to happen.
What is "David will make the goal and the team will win."
Honeybees form large hives. There are thousands of bees in a hive. One bee is the queen. She lays the eggs. Some bees gather nectar and pollen from flowers to make honey. Other bees protect the hive. Some bees keep the hive clean. Still other bees help the queen. Each bee has a special job to do in the bee hive. What is the main idea of this text passage? A. Bees work together to make honey. B. Each bee has a job to do in a beehive. C. The queen is the most important bee.
What is "Each bee has a job to do in a beehive."
I got home from school. I ate a snack. I did my homework. I watched TV. I went to bed. Summarize these events in order using transition words.
What is "First, I got home from school. Then, I ate a snack. after that I did my homework. Next, I watched TV. Finally, I went to bed.