Theories of Comprehension
Causes of Comprehension Difficulty
Comprehension Strategy Facts
Strategy Stages and Organization
How is comprehension seen nowadays?
What is "It is seen as an active process in which the reader plays a very active role".
Name at least three factors for comprehension difficulty.
What is ...1. lack of basic decoding 2. limited vocabulary 3. overuse of background knowledge or lack or flexibility in considering new ideas 4. failure to read meaning 5. lack of strategies or failure to use strategies appropriately?
In what ways the use of comprehension strategies helps in the implementation of the main processes of basic comprehension?
What is " understanding, integrating, inferring, and monitoring".
How is the first stage to introduce the comprehension strategy called and what does it include?
What is " preparational strategy"? What is " activate prior knowledge, preview a selection, predict what might happen in a story or what information a nonfiction piece will convey, and the setting a goal for reading.
True or False- Higher-level comprehension does not demand higher-level thinking skills.
What is "False"?
Define schema theory and how does it help the reader?
What is "It is an abstract representation of knowledge organized and stored in memory" ; It helps the reader to monitor for meaning?
True or False: Other major causes for comprehension difficulty are inappropriate texts, teaching techniques, and instructional setting.
What is "true"?
What is Garner's argument on why the students fail to use the comprehension strategies?
What is " lack of confidence in the strategies" OR" the lack of interest in the text "?
What could be a claim on all the preparational strategies?
What is " They should be linked to each other and "? or " they motivate and engage the students to read the text"?
Select the appropriate definition for DRA. a.) DRA is an instructional framework that allows the student to make predictions and to read to verify their predictions. b.) DRA is an instructional framework that sets the purpose for reading and it can be set by the student or the teacher; or both. It is used during guided reading process.
What is " definition b"?
Provide an example of schema
What is a life experiences, background information? or schema for persons, places, objects, events,
Select the basic reading processes that can cause comprehension struggles: a. phonemic awareness b. phonics c. schemata deficiencies d. all of the above
What is " all of the above"?
A Fact or an Opinion- Intensive step-by-step instruction delivery is a key component in the strategy instruction.
What is " a fact"?
What does the selection or organizational strategy involve?
What is " making connections between ideas, deriving the main ideas, selecting relevant details, organizing details, summarizing , and creating graphic organizer"?
The Directed Reading Activity (DRA) involves the following steps except- a.) Preparing d.) Rereading b.) Silent Reading c.) Follow Up c.) Discussion e.) Verify Predictions
What is "e.) Verify Predictions"?
Where is schemata also present?
What is " the way stories are told and information is presented"?
How is "metacognition" defined?
What is " a mental process that uses different strategies under certain conditions.
Place the right order in which the steps in a strategy lesson should be implemented. a. demonstrating and modeling b. introducing the strategy c. ongoing reinforcement and implementation d. independent practice e. guided practice f. assessment and reteaching
What is " b- a- e - d - f - c
How are deriving main ideas and summarizing strategies alike?
What is " both are strategies that improve the reader's comprehension" OR "both use details from the text organize ideas" ?
In the Directed Reading-Thinking Activity(DR-TA) the students will be able to create questions, know how to ignore irrelevant information to answer their questions, suspend judgment, verify/justify predictions, and read flexibly. Is this statement true or false?
What is "True Statement"?
Can schema be modified? Explain
What is "yes" ; as we read something that conflicts with our ideas and concepts"?
Explain how metacognition or memorization is relevant to below-average learners and above -average learners.
What is " Below-average learners won't be able to use the strategies unless is taught, but they may forget two weeks later. On the other hand, the above-average students will use the strategies spontaneously.
True or False- Other types of comprehension strategies are based on cognitive operations that include preparation, selecting and organizing, elaborating, rehearsing/studying, and monitoring.
What is "True"?
The Elaboration Strategy includes the following except- A.). Inferences B.) Responsive Elaboration C.) QAR D.) Imaging E.) Sharing
What is "E) Sharing
What does the phrase "think aloud" suggest based on the chapter and in what way it helps the students ?
What is " having readers discuss what is going on in their minds as they read to make a prediction". I helps them apply as they read with a partner and have discussions"?