Cause and Effect
Making Inferences
Fact and Opinion
Main Idea
What is the cause and effect word in the sentence: Shelly went to the store because she was out of milk.
What is because?
Sarah packed her swimsuit, a towel, and her googles. What was Sarah preparing to do?
What is go swimming?
Fact or Opinion: Eating an orange takes too much time because you have to peel it first.
What is an opinion?
This tells what a story or paragraph is mostly about.
What is the main idea?
This is something that is true and can be proven
What is a FACT?
What is the cause in the sentence: It is going to rain tomorrow so I will carry an umbrella.
What is It is going to rain tomorrow?
"Achoo!" Patti sneezed. She sneezed again and then a third time. She felt very warm and her head hurt. She dragged herself out of bed and called her boss. She told her boss she wouldn't be going to work. Why wasn't Patti going to work?
What is She was sick?
Fact or Opinion: Lemons are yellow.
What is a fact?
All living things send messages. People talk face-to-face, write letters, and make phone calls. They also use "body talk," like shivering to say, "I am cold." Animals send messages to each other too. They make sounds, leave smells, and act in special ways. By doing these things animals warn of danger, set rules for leadership, and tell other animals they have found food. What is the main idea?
What is All living things send messages?
This is a book of synonyms
What is a thesaurus?
When a male deer rubs against trees to leave his smell, he tells other deer to stay out of his space. White-tailed deer flick their tails up in the air as if to say, "Run!" so other deer can escape danger. Swallowtail caterpillars give off a stinky smell to keep enemies away. Young owls peck at the adults to ask for food. Bull elk crash their antlers together to see who is boss. Why do young owls peck?
What is to ask adults for food?
Patsy usually watered her plant each day. On Friday, her best friend called and invited her to the movies. Patsy was gone all day long and the next morning she found her plant drooping. Why was her plant drooping?
What is because she hadn't watered them that day?
Being an astronaut is the best job in the world. Astronauts travel to outer space and explore. Which sentence is an opinion?
What is Being an astronaut is the best job in the world?
When Anita went outside to get the mail, the mailman was still at the mailbox. The mailman said, "Hello! Would you like to take this mail to your house?" Anita said that she would, and she took the letters and packages from the mailman. She ran down the lane and waved good-bye to the mailman as she went through the door. What is this mostly talking about?
What is Anita getting the mail?
These are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings
What are homographs?
Which could be an effect for the cause: Kelly did not clean her room. a. Kelly was busy watching T.V. b. Kelly's dog messed up her room. c. Kelly couldn't find the broom. d. Kelly's mother punished her.
What is d. Kelly's mother punished her.
If you go to a birthday party, what can you infer? a. The person is turning 10. b. The person didn't want a party. c. There will be gifts. d. It will be sunny.
What is c. There will be gifts?
Give a fact about Paul Revere.
What is (answer varies)?
Angela and Jimmy were friends. They rode bikes together. They read stories. Jimmy is from Texas. They liked to swing. Every day they would play together. Which sentence does not support the main idea?
What is Jimmy is from Texas?
This type of graphic organizer is overlapping circles used to compare and contrast.
What is a Venn-Diagram?
Which can be a cause for the effect: Mrs. Jones honked her horn outside of Jason's house. a. Jason ran out the house. b. Jason wasn't ready. c. Jason needed a ride to school. d. Jason like Mrs. Jones.
What is c. Jason needed a ride to school?
If you see a fire truck, you can infer that: a. Someone burned themselves. b. A cat is stuck in a tree. c. There is an emergency. d. The police will come soon.
What is c. There is an emergency?
Peter won a pet turtle at the fair. The turtle ate lettuce and sat on a big rock that Peter put in its' tank. Every day, Peter took the turtle out to walk around on the floor. Taking care of the turtle was easier than taking care of any other pet. Peter enjoyed spending time with his new pet. Which sentence is an opinion?
What is Taking care of the turtle was easier than taking care of any other pet?
These help support the main idea in a paragraph.
What are supporting details?
This tells how to solve a problem.
What is the solution?