Cause & Effect
Main Idea
Supporting Details
Fun Facts about Ms. Miller

What comes first, a cause or an effect?

A Cause.


Define sequence.

When something is in chronological order.


Define main idea.

What the text/story is mostly about.


What is a supporting detail?

Details that describe or explain the main idea.


What is the first letter of my first name?



It rained all night over the garden of flowers.

So, the flowers grew overnight.


What are signal words for sequence?

First, Next, Then, After that, Later, Finally, Last.


How can you figure out the main idea of a text/story?

Looking at the title, pictures, look for repeating words, and identify the overall topic of the text/story.


How do you find the supporting details of text/story?

After you find the main idea, look for sentences that include information, descriptions, facts, or evidence that supports the overall main idea.


What grade levels do I teach?



The girl blew a big bubble with her gum.

Therefore, it popped all over her face


What is the sequence for making a pepperoni pizza?

First, you get the dough.

Next, you spread the pizza sauce.

Then, you sprinkle the cheese all over the pizza.

After that, you put the pepperonis on top.

Then, you bake it.

Finally, you eat it.


What is the main idea of this passage?

Cody is a great soccer player. He practices everyday after school. Cody plays for his school's soccer team. So far this year, he has scored six goals! Cody can kick the ball very far. He can also run very fast. Everyone thinks that Cody is the best soccer player they know!

Cody is really good at soccer!


Which sentence is NOT a supporting detail of this passage?

Spring is a great season! The days begin to get longer. The temperature gets warmers. There are lots of beautiful flowers blooming. In the springtime, I like to take my dogs for long walks. In the summer, we get to go on vacation. I love the spring!

In the summer, we get to go on vacation.


What is my favorite sport to play?



Identify the cause and effect of this sentence:

Tim forgot his math book so he was unable to complete his assignment.

Cause: Tim forgot his math book

Effect: So he was unable to complete his assignment


Put the following sentences in sequential order:

The birds wanted Maggie to teach them how to build a nest. 

None of the birds stayed the whole time, and Maggie was angry. 

Next, Maggie added some twigs to the nest. 

Maggie made a mud pancake.

1. The birds wanted Maggie to teach them how to build a nest.

2. Maggie made a mud pancake.

3. Next, Maggie added some twigs to the nest. 

4. None of the birds stayed the whole time, and Maggie was angry.


Identify the main idea of this passage:

There are many different types of plants. Some plants are big and some are small. There are plants that grow foods that we eat such as vegetables, fruits, and grains. Other plants are flowers with beautiful petals. Many people even put plants inside and outside of their homes for decoration.

There are many different types of plants.


Which sentences from the passage are supporting details for the main idea? (There are 3).

Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up, I noticed my brother Todd had hung up a sign that said "Happy Birthday Joey!" Mom made spaghetti for dinner. It's my favorite food in the whole wide world. My friend Dave came over and handed me a wrapped gift. I wondered what it was. It was a new basketball! I had a great day!

Todd had hung up a sign that said "Happy Birthday Joey!" 

Mom made spaghetti for dinner. It's my favorite food in the whole wide world. 

My friend Dave came over and handed me a wrapped gift. It was a new basketball!


Am I married?

Not yet!


Define cause and effect.

A cause is what happened.

An effect is the result of what happened.


Put the following sentences in sequential order:

Bear decided never to share the field with Fox again.

The next year, Fox had the turnips and Bear had only the tops.

The first year, Fox had the corn and Bear had only the roots.

Fox and Bear decided to share the crops in the field.

1. Fox and Bear decided to share the crops in the field.

2. The first year, Fox had the corn and Bear had only the roots. 

3. The next year, Fox had the turnips and Bear had only the tops.

4. Bear decided never to share the field with Fox again.


What is the main idea of this passage?

Recess is the best part of the day. When it is nice outside, there are so many fun things to do! You can play on the swings or play tag. You can even just sit in the warm sun and talk to your friends. There are also jump ropes and balls to play with. There is so much to do! I wish it were recess all day!

There are so many fun things to do at recess!


Which sentences from the passage are supporting details for the main idea? (There are 3).

Peter's parent bought a new carpet for the living room. Now, he has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. He's also not allowed to eat or drink in the living room anymore. Peter's furry dog isn't allowed to play ball in there either. When his parents got the new carpet, there were lots of new rules.

He has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. 

He's also not allowed to eat or drink in the living room anymore. 

Peter's furry dog isn't allowed to play ball in there either.


What is my favorite color?
