Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Figurative Language
Bob, Jim, and Kathy pedaled slowly up the hill. They could see the schoolhouse just at the crest of the hill. The sight seemed to make them pedal even slower. On the way they passed many students some they played with everyday, but others they had not seen since the last day of school. Finally, Bob, Jim, and Kathy got to the schoolyard. They parked their bikes and locked the them. They didn't have any books to carry into school yet. But, they would be bringing books home. Teachers always give out the books right away. A mean teacher might even give you homework immediately. Ugh! It is likely that: a) It is the first of school. b) It is a Friday. c) It is hte day after a long holiday
What is a) It is the first of school.
Work. After hours of _________, the dishes were all clean and put away.
What is labor?
In the United States there are 5 giant lakes which are connected together. These 5 lakes are known as the Great Lakes. Four of the lakes lie between the United States and Canada. Only Lake Michigan is totally in the United States. The lakes are : Michigan, Ontario, Erie, Huran, and Superior.
What is "All 5 of the Great Lakes are very large."
Up ahead, a tree lay across the tracks. The engineer saw it and braked the train. The train screeched to a stop. The passengers cried out, "What is it? What's wrong?" Cause: A tree lay across the tracks. What is the EFFECT? a) The engineer stopped the train. b) people got onto the train. c) Someone began to cry.
What is a) The engineer stopped the train.
a comparison of two unlike things using like or as
What is a simile?
Jenny looked at her sister, Martha. Martha was riding a bike to school today! Just because Martha was older, why should she get to ride her bike when Jenny still had to walk? Martha should wait until Jenny was old enough to ride, too! Jenny stuck out her lip at the breakfast table. "Stop pounting," said her father. "You can't ride your bike to school until next year. you just aren't old enough." Jenny pushed her plate away. "No," she said. "I won't eat!" I won't eat until I can ride my bike to school!" It is likely that: a) Martha thinks that Jenny is spoiled. b) Jenny thinks she can get her father to change his decision. c) Jenny still rides a tricycle, which is why she can't ride her bike to school.
What is b) Jenny thinks she can get her father to change his decision.
Allows it to happen. John asked his parents for ___________ to go on the field trip.
What is permission?
Eskimos have a special kind of canoe called a kayak. Kayaks have been used by Eskimos for years and years. They are usually made of sealskin. Only one person can ride in the boat. This person laces himself into the seat. To move the boat, a paddle is used.
What is "The Eskimo's canoe is called a kayak."
The move West was one of the great adventures in American history. Families left their homes and set off in wagons. The trip was dangerous. Thanks to those brave people, the country today stretches from sea to sea. CAUSE: Brave families went on a dangerous trip west. What was the EFFECT? a) They made houses out of wagons. b) They wanted to go to the seashore. c) The country now stretches from sea to sea.
What is c) The country now stretches from sea to sea.
compares two things without using like or as
What is metaphor?
Jill had very fair skin. She usually remembered to wear sunscreen. She had sunburn on Monday. Most likey: a) Jill forgot to put on sunscreen this time. b) Jill put too much sunscreen on. c) Jill loves laying in the sun.
What is a) Jill forgot to put on sunscreen this time.
Stirring up or causing excitment. _____________ the attention of a bear is not wise.
What is arousing?
One important person in every colonial town was the blacksmith. The blacksmith's job was to make horseshoes. He also made repairs on wagons and carriages. The blacksmith did alot of hard work. He used a fire and hammers to bend the metal used in his work.
What is "The blacksmith was a very important person in the colonial times."
Manuel once ran away and joined the circus. He found out that circus work was very hard. He was surprised. He had thought that working for the circus would be easy and fun. EFFECT: Manuel was surprised. What was the CAUSE? a) Circus work was hard. b) He had run away. c) The circus was a lot of fun.
What is a) Circus work was hard.
an object or abstract idea given human abilities
What is personification?
Ms Petke tapped the lectern with a long stick and said, "That was better, but still not perfect. We've got to practice so that two weeks from now, when the show goes on, you'll sound perfect. Absolutely perfect." She tapped the stick again. "Now, let's try it one more time," she said. "I want those bass notes to be really bass, boys. I want those soprano notes to be crystal clear, girls. Tenors, I expect you to come through full and clear. Now you sound like a bunch of birds with sore throats!" The student laughed, then shuffled their feet and cleared their throats. They were ready to try again. It is likely that: a) The students are studying birds. b) Ms. Petke is teaching the students how to play the piano. c) Ms. Petke is leading a singing class.
What is c) Ms. Petke is leading a singing class.
Forced or driven to action. Mom ________ us to do our homework before going outside to play.
What is compelled?
An airport is not just a place for planes to land and take off. The airport gives the needed space for loading and unloading passengers, cargo, and fuel. Airplanes use large amounts fo fuel. Sometimes airplanes land at the airport only to refuel. Repair work is also done at the airports.
What is "Airports provide many services for planes."
Long ago, wolves lived all of the country. Over the years, farmers and hunters killed many wolves. Other wolves could not find food and starved. Most people today have never seen a wolf. EFFECT: Most people today have never seen a wolf. What is the CAUSE? a) Wolves live all over the country. b) Some wolves were hunted, and some starved. c) Most wolves live on farms.
What is b) Some wolves were hunted, and some starved.
repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words
What is alliteration?
When students fail a subject in high school, they can take it again. In fact, they must take the subject over again if they want to graduate. Students cannot graduate from high school unless they get passing grades in certain subjects. But in college, things work a little differently. In college, students must have a certain grade average to graduate. They do not always have to repeat a course they failed. But if a student gets too many failing grades in college, the student is asked to leave the college. The students can no longer attend that college. Only students with a grade average of C or better can continue to attend most colleges. The rest must leave. It is likely that: a) A college student who fails one subject must leave school. b) A student who fails in high school is not asked to leave. c) high schools and colleges treat failing students in the same way.
What is b) A student who fails in high school is not asked to leave.
The blanket of aire that surrounds the Earth. Nitrogen is one of hte gasses in Earth's ________.
What is atmosphere?
The banjo is a stringed instrument which comes from Africa. The banjo usually has 5 strings. It is played by plucking (pulling) the strings with the fingers or a flat pick. The banjo is often used as background music for country and western songs.
What is "The banjo is a stringed instrument."
Paul worked as a carpenter. It was hard work, but he loved it. He hoped to make enough money to buy his own house. He put aside a little money each week. EFFECT: Paul put money aside each week. What was the CAUSE? a) He wanted to be a carpenter. b) He loved his work. c) He wanted to buy a house.
What is c) He wanted to buy a house.
'Meow' 'Moo' and 'Crash' are examples of this type of word
What is onomatopoeia?