The reasons students are expected to read and comprehend even the most rigorous materials.
What is text complexity
Teachers may set students up for failure by making the false assumption that THIS does not need to be taught.
What is comprehension
A poem, an article, a blog post, a primary document, a fable, data charts, paintings and photographs etc.
What are the resources used for Reading for Meaning.
To develop a reading for meaning question, begin by asking yourself this.
What is "What standards to I intend to address?"
This person thinks the main food groups consist of meat, meat, meat, and salt.
Who is Mr. D
Students use this when supporting their own points and constructively evaluating others' points of view.
What is evidence
Previewing and predicting before reading, actively searching for relevant information during reading, and reflecting on learning after reading is known as this.
What is active reading
Generating a list of statements about the text, previewing the statements before beginning to read, recording evidence during and after reading is known as this.
What is implementation in the classroom.
Themes, main ideas and details that students need to discover.
What is analyzing meaning.
151 days, 6 hours, 32 minutes and 3.5 seconds.
What is Dale's retirement clock display.
The common core identifies these as crucial to students' success, including identifying main ideas, making inferences, and supporting interpretations with evidence.
What are the core skills for reading?
These students would benefit from using comprehension skills.
Who are all readers (including young and emerging readers).
Discussing evidence in pairs or small groups, conducting whole class discussions, and evaluating students' understanding is known as this.
What is ALSO known as implementation in the classroom.
An attention grabbing activity to capture student interest and activate prior knowledge.