Text Structure Definitions
Text Structure
Key Words
Text Structure Identification
Making Inferences
"Goldilocks and the three bears"
Name the 4 nonfiction text strutures.
What are sequence, hierarchy, cause and effect, and problem solution?
This text uses signal words like first, next, after, or later.
What is sequence?
Name at least two nonfiction texts that have sequence as their structure.
What are biographies, history books, recipes, instructions, directions, etc.
Why would Goldilocks be considered mischievious? Give evidence from the story.
What is because she sneaks into someone's house when they are not home.
Define sequence
What is a text that is arranged by putting events in order?
This text struture uses key words like because..., this led to..., if...then..., that is why, therefore, and due to.
What is cause and effect?
Name the text structure: You get a bad grade on your report card because you didn't study.
What is cause & effect?
Why can we make the generalization that Goldilocks likes "child-sized" things? Give evidence from the story.
What is because she always chooses Baby Bear's things?
Define cause and effect.
What is something that happens and the reason why it has happened?
Text structure uses key words like first, second, fourth, and so on.
What is hierarchy?
The Life Cycle of a Butterfly would depend on what type of text structure?
What is sequence?
If you were to guess what kind of pillow Momma Bear has on her bed, what would you say? Give evidence from the story.
What is extra soft and squishy? Probably too soft for Goldilocks. In the story, Momma Bear had the soft chair and the soft bed.
A text structure that includes ranking things or people in order or by category. Double Jeopardy: Name a way you may rank items.
What is hierarchy? Double Jeopardy: height, weight, importance, etc.
How are the following fruits compared? (Name the hierarchy.) A kiwi is smaller than an apple. An apple is smaller than a mango. A watermelon is the largest.
What is size?
Saving Endangered Animals would probably have what type of text struture?
What is problem-solution?
What color is Goldilocks' hair? How do you know?
What is blonde? Your "locks" are your hair. Goldilocks would mean golden or blonde.
Define problem solution nonfiction text structure. Double Jeopardy: To which other text structure is this structure most closely related?
What is a text that explains a problem and names possible ways to solve it? Double Jeopardy: cause & effect
If you see words like dilemma or resolved, then you know that you are reading a text with what type of structure?
What is problem-solution?
"That is why it is important to wash your hands with warm water, soap, and a sanitary hand drying device." is an example sentence from what type of text?
What is cause-effect?
How do we know that the Bear Family was most likely only going to be gone from their home for a short amount of time? Give evidence from the story.
What is they left their porridge out and hadn't eaten it, so they were probably going to return to eat it soon.