Author's Purpose
Main Idea
Figurative Language
Mixed Bag

The reason an author writes.

Author's purpose


The main idea of a text is...

a. the purpose of the text.

b. the message or lesson of the text.

c. what the text is mostly about.

d. the tone of the text.

c. what the text is mostly about.


You're driving me up the wall.

This is an example of a(n) _________.



Choose the correct word or phrase for the following sentence:

"I remember looking over and watching as Isabella tap on Luke's shoulder."

a. I remember looking over and watching as Isabella tapped on Luke's shoulder.

b. I remember looking over and watching as Isabella tapping on Luke's shoulder.

c. I remember looking over and watched as Isabella tap on Luke's shoulder.

d. correct as is

a. I remember looking over and watching as Isabella tapped on Luke's shoulder.


What does it mean when, as you are reading a passage, you see a word with a small number next to it?

It means that the definition of the word can be found at the bottom of the page.


Which of the following are main reasons why an author writes a story? Select all that apply.

a. to inform 

b. to persuade 

c. to entertain

d. all of the above

d. all of the above


Texas has a variety of landscapes. In the East there are woodlands. These woodland areas have lots of pine trees and oak trees. In central Texas there is everything from flatlands to giant rolling hills. To the west the traveler might see the beginnings of mountains. All this variety means that there is something for everyone which makes Texas a great place live. What is the main idea? 

a. Texas is a big state. 

b. Texas has mountains in the west. 

c. Texas has a variety of landscapes.

d. Many travelers love going to Texas.

c. Texas has a variety of landscapes.


What is the difference between a simile and metaphor?

While both are used to compare two things, similes use "like" or "as", whereas metaphors say that something is something else.

Choose the sentence that uses pronouns correctly.

a. The hummingbirds love to drink nectar from flowers. By doing this, it helps spread pollen.

b. The hummingbirds love to drink nectar from flowers. By doing this, he helps spread pollen.

c. The hummingbirds love to drink nectar from flowers. By doing this, they help spread pollen.

d. The hummingbirds love to drink nectar from flowers. By doing this, them help spread pollen.

c. The hummingbirds love to drink nectar from flowers. By doing this, they help spread pollen.


What kind of voice is this sentence written in?

The appropriations bill was passed by Congress.

Passive voice


Lisa always looked forward to the fall because of the Harvest Festival. Of course she loved the rides, but she really enjoyed the shows. This year would be the best. Lisa had a special opportunity to perform in the talent show. The author's purpose is to... 

a. entertain. 

b. persuade. 

c. inform. 

d. create a mysterious mood.

a. entertain.


Pollution is a serious problem on our Earth today. People and companies pollute the water by throwing trash into it. Chemicals that kill plants and fish are also dumped into the water. Air pollution is another type of pollution that we should worry about. Some of the air we breathe is not clean. Factories and power stations pollute the air with smoke and poisonous gases. Cars also make exhaust fumes that pollute the air. When these gases mix with the water in the air, they produce acid rain. This rain is not good for the plants on earth. The more acid there is in the rain, the faster it will kill the plants. What is the main idea? 

a. Air pollution is the most serious type of pollution.

b. Acid rain is bad for plants. 

c. There are several types of pollution that are serious problems on Earth.

d. We can help reduce pollution by changing our lifestyles.

c. There are several types of pollution that are serious problems on Earth.


Why do author's use figurative language in their writing?

They use figurative language to make their writing more interesting. Figurative language makes writing more engaging, and can affect the tone and add deeper meaning to a story.


Choose the correct spelling.

a. appretiate

b. appreciate

c. appresiate

d. apreciate 

b. appreciate


What is iambic pentameter? Why do some poets use it?

5 groupings of an unstressed and stressed syllable. It adds rhythm to the poem.


What do you do with aluminum cans? Do you throw them in the trash, or do you recycle when you are finished with them? At the rate we are filling our landfills, we will not have anywhere else to put our trash. If you recycle, you will help the environment. The next time you throw away your Coke can, think about putting it in a recycling bin. Your effort will help save your community. The author's purpose is to...

a. entertain. 

b. persuade. 

c. inform. 

d. create a mysterious mood.

b. persuade.


A lot of animals live in different places on Earth. Some exotic animals live in zoos. You can go visit them there and learn about them. Some animals, like cats and dogs, live in our homes with us. Other animals live in the wild. Animals like deer and rabbits live in the forest. Some other animals, like dolphins and whales, live in the sea. Other animals like groundhogs, live underground. Bats, which are flying animals, live in caves in large groups. Some animals such as camels and snakes can live in the desert. What is the main idea? 

a. Rabbits live in burrows. 

b. Different animals live in various places. 

c. Dolphins and whales are animals that live in the sea.

d. Many animals do not live in the wild, but at home with us. 

b. Different animals live in various places.


Allusions are references to another (usually more popular) person, place, thing, or piece of work. What is the purpose of the allusion?

"You don't have to be Albert Einstein to understand how to work a pencil sharpener."

You don't have to be super smart to understand how to work a pencil sharpener.


Which sentence uses commas correctly?

a. The King of Baskar whom many admired for his bravery, led his soldiers into battle against the enemy kingdom.

b. The King of Baskar, whom many admired for his bravery, led his soldiers into battle against the enemy kingdom.

c. The King of Baskar, whom, many admired for his bravery led his soldiers into battle against the enemy kingdom.

b. The King of Baskar, whom many admired for his bravery, led his soldiers into battle against the enemy kingdom.


Turn this sentence into an active one.

The delicious honey was produced by the colony of bees.

The colony of bees produced the delicious honey.


Tomatoes were once considered poisonous. Some brave people finally took a bite of a tomato, and they survived. Now, we use tomatoes in our salads and sandwiches. Do you ever use tomato sauce or ketchup? These products are made of tomatoes. If it weren't for these courageous individuals, you might not be able to enjoy ketchup with your french-fries. 

What is the author's purpose for using words such as "brave" and "courageous"? 

The author uses these words to show just how brave humans were for risking their lives to discover that tomatoes were not actually poisonous.


The United States of America is made up of fifty different states. Some of the states, like Texas and California, are quite large. Other states like Rhode Island and Delaware are very small. Two states are further away than the main forty-eight states. Hawaii is made up of several islands in the Pacific Ocean. Alaska is further north and next to another country called Canada. The United States also has some territories that are further away from it, such as the island of Guam and Puerto Rico. The different states are all very unique. Some are warm and sunny most of the year and others are cold. All of the states have their own unique culture and characteristics, but are part of the same country. Which of the following sentences supports the main idea?

a. "Other states like Rhode Island and Delaware are very small."

b. "All of the states have their own unique culture and characteristics, but are part of the same country."

c. "Some of the states, like Texas and California, are quite large."

d. "Hawaii is made up of several islands in the Pacific Ocean."

b. "All of the states have their own unique culture and characteristics, but are part of the same country."


Name at least five types of figurative language in under 10 seconds.

1. simile

2. metaphor

3. personification

4. hyperbole

5. idiom

6. allusion

7. onomatopoeia 

8. alliteration

9. allusion


Choose the correct phrase for the following sentence.

Social intelligence consists of different elements, one of which is the ability to speak well.

a. elements, one of which is the ability to speak, well.

b. elements, one of which, is the ability to speak well.

c. of which is the ability to speak, well.

d. correct as is

d. correct as is


Excerpt from "Welcome to the Underworld"

Look there! See that figure in the distance? Yes, those are three heads. We are nearing the gates of Hades, guarded by a fierce hound named Cerberus. Cerberus is a massive, fearsome beast … I assure you, Cerberus will not harm anyone unless they try to escape Hades.

Cerberus is referred to as "a fierce hound." Why did the author choose to describe him in this way?

a. To show that Cerberus leads the souls to the Underworld, the way dogs lead humans.

b. To show that Cerberus serves like a watchdog for Hades.

c. To show that Cerberus tortures Sisyphus and Tantalus for eternity.

d. To show that Cerberus is a good boy and deserves all the tummy rubs.

b. To show that Cerberus serves like a watchdog for Hades.