Capitalization and Punctuation
Context clues
Making Inferences
A simile is a comparison of two things using _________ or ________.
What is like or as.
What word in the sentence is a synonym for bright? It was so sunny and bright outside, he had to wear sunglasses.
What is sunny.
Fix the sentence. the kids loved school so much, they didn't want to leave.
Capitalize the first letter of the sentence.
How can you use context clues to find the meaning of unknown words?
What is to use the words around the unknown word to figure out what it means.
Kate baked a cake. She used a mix. She added some eggs. She put it in the oven. When it is all done, she will put frosting on it. where do you think Kate is?
What is the kitchen.
Which word makes this sentence a simile? The dog was as smelly as a sweaty gym shoe.
What is as.
Which word in the sentence is a synonym for dark? The boy walked outside; he looked up to the dark, gloomy sky and saw a tornado forming.
What is gloomy.
Fix the sentence. Thanks to thomas Edison, we can turn on the lights.
capitalize Thomas.
Use context clues to find the meaning of "sluggish" The turtle was very sluggish. He was so tired and slow that he fell asleep in the middle of the race and he never finished.
Sluggish would mean tired, slow, not energetic.
Ray and his dad walked up the dark hill. There were no lights to be seen anywhere. They stopped and set up the telescope that dad carried. Ray pointed to a group of stars and his dad pointed the telescope at them. When is this story happening?
What is night.
Is the following sentence a simile? Pizza is the best, I like it a lot.
What word in the sentence is a synonym for silly? Matt and Sam loved to be silly, they were the most goofy boys in the class.
What is goofy.
Fix the sentence thanks to the Wright brothers, we can fly from place to place
Capitalize the first letter of the sentence. Put a period at the end of the sentence.
Use context clues to figure out the meaning of sturdy. The bookshelf was sturdy enough to hold all of Sam's books without falling apart.
Sturdy means strong.
Max heard his mom yelling "time for school!" He opened his eyes, sat up, and yawned. His belly growled. He went downstairs and ate some cereal. Yummy! When is this story happening?
What is morning.
Find the similes in this passage. The beautiful princess came down the tall staircase. Her dress was as blue as the ocean and her eyes shined like diamonds.
What is "as blue as the ocean" and "eyes shined like diamonds"
What word in the sentence is a synonym for pushed? The Suzy pushed the boy and he shoved her back.
What is shoved.
Fix the sentence. we read a story about bruno. the bear
Capitalize the first letter of the sentence. Capitalize Bruno. Take the period out after Bruno. Put a Period at the end of the sentence.
Use context clues to find the meaning of the word peculiar. I thought is was very peculiar that my teacher came to school in a clown car dressed as a clown.
What is odd or strange.
Leah's mother iced the cake yesterday. She put eight candles on it. After she set the table, she put the cake in front of Leah. Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to Leah. Leah blew out the candles and smiled. How old did Leah turn yesterday?
What is 8 years old.
Make a simile comparing a marshmallow and snow.
What is "a marshmallow is as white as snow" or "a marshmallow is white like snow"
What word in this sentence is a synonym for hard? The hard wooden bed was way too firm. It hurt my back.
What is firm.
a girl named jeannie helped pull a thorn. out of the wolfs foot and they became friends
Capitalize the first letter of the sentence. Capitalize Jeannie. Delete the period after "thorn." Put a period at the end of the sentence.
Use context clues to find out the meaning of extraordinary. What an extraordinary day! First, we found treasure buried in our backyard. Next, we found $100 dollars on the sidewalk. Awesome!!
What is great or amazing.
The king lost his puppy. He looked high and low. He called the puppy's name but it was no use. He sat down on his throne to cry. Then he heard a bark and looked down. The puppy crawled out between his feet! Where was the puppy hiding?
What is under the throne.