The Horizontal Axis does in which direction?
Left and Right
The Vertical Axis goes in which direction?
Up and Down
Pie chart shows what?
Percentages (%)
Pictograph contains what 3 important things?
Title, Catagories, and Key
The main difference between a Histogram and Bar Graph is?
No gap between bars
What do we call the heading of the graph?
The title
What is the title of the graph?
Summer Camp Sign-Ups
What is the chart about?
How much water do we use?
What is missing in the graph?
What is a Key?
Explains the symbols/colors used
How many boxes of cookies were sold on Friday?
How many people signed up for band?
Which category is 21.75%?
Clothes Washer
List all of the categories
Type A, Type B, Type AB, Type O
What is the Histograph about?
Height of Black Cherry Trees
How many boxes of cookies were sold on Wednesday?
Which camps had the same number of people sign up?
Math and Cheerleading
Which category uses the most amount of water?
How many people are Type O blood?
What is the frequency for trees 75-80 feet tall?
What is the difference between the horizontal and vertical axis?
Horizontal Axis goes left to right. Vertical axis moves up and down.
Which category is under 10%?
How many people are Type B blood?
What is the frequency for trees 60-65 feet tall?