Pourquoi Tales
Trickster Tales

Choose a synonym for the word "vanish"

a) glance

b) disappear

c) improve

c) disappear


Who are the 3 characters in the story "How Giraffe Got Such a Long Neck"?

Giraffe, rhino, and the wizard


Who did Raccoon tell Fox he was going to turn into in "The Fox and the Raccoon"?

the lord


what words are included to compare things in similes?

"like" or "as"


When using personification, the author gives an animal, object, or idea the qualities or characteristics of a _______.

human, person


Choose a synonym for the word "fortunate".

a) lucky

b) sour

c) twisted

a) lucky


Why was it necessary for Leopard to get spots on his fur in "How Leopard Got His Spots"?

So he could blend in with the shadows of the forest while hunting.


What was the gift raccoon placed at the foot of the statue he was visiting in "The Fox and the Raccoon"? 

a piece of jade


Which of the following examples is a simile?

  1. The lake was shiny.
  2. The lake was really smooth.
  3. The lake was flat.
  4. The lake was as smooth as glass.

4. The lake was as smooth as glass.


Fill in the blank with the word that makes the sentence below an example of personification.

The sun __________ down on the Earth.

  1. smiled
  2. showed
  3. shone

1. smiled


Choose a synonym for the word "gleam"

a) pack

b) shine

c) trudge

b) shine


What was the unbelievable thing Mosquito told Iguana he saw in the farmer's field in "Why Mosquitos Buzz in People's Ears?"

Giant yams as big as cows


How many silver coins did Hodja drop onto the table to pay the restaurant owner in "The Hodja and the Soup"?



"The baby's skin was like a rose petal." What does this simile say to you?

  1. The baby's skin is very soft and delicate.
  2. The baby's skin is rough.
  3. The baby's skin is dry.
  4. The baby's skin is sticky.

1. The baby's skin is very soft and delicate.


Which is an example of personification?

  1. The wind is the sea.
  2. The wind is like a thundering sea.
  3. The wind grabbed onto my arms.
  4. The wind winds wondrously without a witness

3. The wind grabbed onto my arms.


Choose a synonym for the word "burrow"

a) horse

b) waist

c) hole

c) hole


What time of day did the wizard tell Giraffe and Rhino to eat the herb in order for the spell to work in "How Giraffe Got Such a Long Neck"?



What did the restaurant owner tell the poor man he had to do in order to pay for smelling the soup in "Hodja and the Soup"?

wash dishes


Choose the best ending for the simile.

The kids were all coming to the pool. The pool attracted kids like_________.                         .

  1. elephants to mice
  2. flies to honey
  3. rain to the desert sands

2. flies to honey


"The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky"

Which human trait or quality is given?

  1. stars
  2. danced playfully
  3. moonlit sky
  4. none of the above

2. danced playfully


Choose a synonym for the word "voyage"

a) trip

b) bargain

c) giggle

a) trip


What did Mother Owl promise to never do again until her baby was found in "Why Mosquitos Buzz in People's Ears"?



What was the name of the statue Raccoon was visiting in "The Fox and the Raccoon"?



Choose the best ending for the simile:

Sarah isn't feeling well and her face is pale. She is as pale as...

  1. a black and white penguin
  2. a ghost
  3. a bucket of sand

2. a ghost


Which of the following sentences is an example of personification?

  1. The slimy eel slithered through the seaweed.
  2. The row of trees was a festival of color that fall.
  3. The dandelions stood tall, proudly surveying the rest of the yard.
  4. The snails crept along the sidewalk, moving as slowly as a glacier.

3. The dandelions stood tall, proudly surveying the rest of the yard.