Before reading
During reading
After Reading
After Reading Vocab

What should students learn before they start reading a text.

What is the purpose for their reading.


What strategy has students read in groups of two or three and has them summarize what the other person read.

What is paired reading


What are the benefits of summarizing?

Being able to recognize main ideas

Think deeply and analyze text

Refine vocab

Helps students remember content when its in their own words.


What strategy helps students understand broader ideas such as independence or sacrifice.

What is a word map


What strategy has students look at headings, subheadings, pictures, graphs, diagrams, focus questions, and vocab words to understand content?

What is previewing text features


When a student doesn't know a word what are some strategies to help them figure it out

Using back ground knowledge

identify suffix/prefix and root words

Reread the sentence for clues

Demonstrate how to use text features 


What strategy only uses a few words to get the main point across.

What is Gist


What model is a great way to understand a concept for younger students and older students?

What is the Frayer Model


What is the strategy of having student read different note cards with statements from a text then, getting in small groups to discuss what they may be reading about and if they have any questions or predictions

What is the Tea Party Strategy


What strategy has students make a key to mark down if information is important, interesting, or if they have a question or it reminds them of something.

What is text coding


What strategy has students identify key words then using some of those words make a short summary about a small section.

What is magnet summaries


What strategy uses words that students already know the meaning of and identify the relationship between them?

What is a Concept Circle


What strategy uses students background knowledge and asks them to make predictions and make connections between different vocab words? 

What is Word Splash


What strategy is a visual scaffold that helps students make inferences

What is it says,I say, and so


What strategy has students ID who the text is about and what they wanted

What is somebody wanted but so


What are some diagrams that allow students to compare and contrast?

Venn diagram 

H diagram

Y Chart


What makes an effective pre reading strategy?

Draws on Students interests, introduces essential vocab terms and motivates student to take initiative in their own learning


What is the purpose of inferring?

Inferring combines background knowledge with information from the text to come up with an idea that is not specifically stated in the text


What strategy uses Bloom's taxonomy to help students analyze, remember, understand, apply, and evaluate a concept?

What is word questioning.