Fact and Opinion
Context Clues

Dogs are the best pets.

What is an opinion



What is could not?


What is a noun?

Howie finished multiplying the fractions and turned in his worksheet. Mr. Green was making the class sit quietly until the bell. Twenty more minutes were left. Howie watched the clock as the hands moved slowly toward three o’clock. He groaned as he put his head on his desk but jerked back up when Mr. Green’s voice suddenly broke the silence. “Okay, class! I have your tests graded. Overall, I’m very pleased with how you all did. Some of you, however, need to study a bit harder,” Mr. Green said as he passed out the papers. Howie had studied every night for a whole week. He was positive that he had made an A. Mr. Green came and placed his test facedown on his desk. Howie turned it over excitedly, but his grin quickly turned to a frown. As he stared at his grade, a huge knot formed in his stomach. 

Why does Howie groan and put his head on his desk? 

A. He is upset about his bad grade. 

B. He feels sick after taking a test. 

C. He is bored after finishing his work.

 D. He does not want to talk to his teacher.

What is He is upset about his bad grade?


Everyone in the world is afraid of something. Instead of having just one phobia, or fear, at a time, most people have many fears simultaneously. People may be scared of bugs or spiders, water or flying. Sometimes, people have reasons for their fears. An assault may make someone scared of strangers on the street, even years after the attack. Other times, there is no reason for the fear. A person with a strong fear of bugs may spend large amounts of money to exterminate every insect in the house, even though all of them are less dangerous than the poison! 

In the passage above, what is the meaning of assault? 

A. an animal B. a storm C. an attack D. a test

What is an attack?


Our baseball team tries the hardest.

What is an opinion?



What is we have?



What is a verb?


"You always want to do what I do, Polly thought. She sighed and leaned over to talk to her sister eye-to-eye. 'You're too little to run a business like me. You just have to sit quietly and watch.' "

 What does the paragraph above suggest?

 A. Polly wants to help her little sister.

 B. Polly needs to learn to run a business. 

C. Polly thinks her sister is annoying. 

D. Polly likes to play with her sister.

What is Polly thinks her sister is annoying?


Everyone in the world is afraid of something. Instead of having just one phobia, or fear, at a time, most people have many fears simultaneously. People may be scared of bugs or spiders, water or flying. Sometimes, people have reasons for their fears. An assault may make someone scared of strangers on the street, even years after the attack. Other times, there is no reason for the fear. A person with a strong fear of bugs may spend large amounts of money to exterminate every insect in the house, even though all of them are less dangerous than the poison! 

In the passage above, what is the meaning of simultaneously? 

A. a group of people B. at the same time C. one at a time D. large or important

What is at the same time?


The store closes at 10:00 p.m.

What is a fact?



What is can not?



What is an adjective?


Mr. Killian's class could be heard from the lobby of the school. His students laughed at his jokes and funny voices. A couple students were walking by his door and stopped to see what was happening. Mr. Killian wanted his students to like reading great novels. To make them interesting, he would sometimes act out the books using funny props and voices. The students paid attention in his class and even made good grades on his tests. He also gave each student individual attention and made each feel special. When he walked down the hall, Mr. Killian was greeted with smiles and high fives. Even the other teachers had nothing but nice things to say about Mr. Killian.

 Based on the passage, which generalization can the reader make? 

A. Many students like Mr. Killian's teaching style. B. Most teachers like to make funny jokes in class. C. English is the most exciting class in all schools. D. No one likes to read long novels in English class.

What is Many students like Mr. Killian's teaching style?


Everyone in the world is afraid of something. Instead of having just one phobia, or fear, at a time, most people have many fears simultaneously. People may be scared of bugs or spiders, water or flying. Sometimes, people have reasons for their fears. An assault may make someone scared of strangers on the street, even years after the attack. Other times, there is no reason for the fear. A person with a strong fear of bugs may spend large amounts of money to exterminate every insect in the house, even though all of them are less dangerous than the poison! 

In the passage above, what is the meaning of phobia? 

A. poisonous spider or bug B. strong fear or anxiety C. job or responsibility D. dream or desire

What is a strong fear or anxiety?


Mims is an elementary school.

What is a fact?



What is were not?



What is a noun?


Last night, someone broke all the windows of the empty Kizer building. This is the fourth building in Farrell Square to be damaged at night. The old neighborhood has seen better times. In the past, it was the center of activity in the city. People could go to the park, go shopping, or catch a movie. Now, the screen of the old theater is covered in graffiti. Many of the old shops are now abandoned. The park is overgrown with weeds.

 What generalization can the reader make about Farrell Square today? 

A. Many people work in the Kizer building. 

B. Most people want to live near the park. 

C. No one takes care of that part of town. 

D. The kids see many movies at the theater.

What is No one takes care of that part of town?


Everyone in the world is afraid of something. Instead of having just one phobia, or fear, at a time, most people have many fears simultaneously. People may be scared of bugs or spiders, water or flying. Sometimes, people have reasons for their fears. An assault may make someone scared of strangers on the street, even years after the attack. Other times, there is no reason for the fear. A person with a strong fear of bugs may spend large amounts of money to exterminate every insect in the house, even though all of them are less dangerous than the poison!

 In the passage above, what is the meaning of exterminate?

 A. escape B. kill C. enjoy D. help

What is to kill?


That dog doesn't behave very well.

What is an opinion?



What is I will?



What is an adjective?


What is Sleep Talking? Sleep talking is a common activity people do while sleeping. People make sounds or speak during sleep without being aware of it. Sleep talking can happen at any stage of sleep. People with anxiety disorders or fever are known to talk in their sleep. Sometimes, people with other sleep disorders like sleep walking or shortness of breath while sleeping also talk in their sleep. More children are known to sleep talk compared to adults. Usually, sleep talking goes away in children when they hit puberty. Children who sleep walk may continue to sleep talk as well. While some sleep talkers carry on conversations, others only moan or make sounds. Lack of sleep is known to increase sleep talking. Other factors that increase sleep talking are stress and anxiety. People with irregular sleep habits might talk in their sleep. Researchers say eating a heavy meal before bedtime creates discomfort that might cause sleep talking. 

What can the reader tell about people who sleep talk? 

A. They will remember everything they said while sleeping.

 B. They are most talkative when they are in deep sleep. 

C. They feel least stressed or anxious while sleep talking. 

D. They do not know that they are talking in their sleep.

What is They do not know that they are talking in their sleep?


Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. He was, however, a pacifist who felt bad about the destructive power that he created. He established the Nobel Prize as an award for outstanding achievement in physics, chemistry, medicine, peace, literature, and economics. 

Looking at the context, what is the definition of pacifist? 

A. a cruel, violent person B. an inventor of explosives C. a very famous scientist D. a person against violence

What is a person against violence?